Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We're the Only Ones Grilling Up Some Dogs Enough

A New Orleans police dog left unattended in a police vehicle in late May died from shock likely associated with heat stroke, after ripping up the car's seats in a desperate attempt to get out... [More]
And they have two other "recent dog deaths" already in the queue? So will they so treat the "Only One" handlers the same way they would you and me?

Does anyone realize how hard you'd have to work at it to "accidentally" kill three of these beasts?

[Via retrotruckman]

Crashing the BATFU Bash

Vanderboegh give us a crasher's eye view of the shindig. [More]

We're the Only Ones Who'll Have You in Stitches Enough

Hey, how else is a grown man supposed to deal with an unruly 14-year-old girl?

What have you learned about expecting the "Only Ones" to assume your parental responsibilities, Stacy Akin?

[Via retrotruckman]

I See Nothing Here...

..that a high-power air rifle wouldn't handle discreetly and efficiently. That way, enuretic neighbors inclined to report louder noises never need know. [More]

People who recommend golf clubs really haven't seen what a rabid animal can do. You don't want to let them get that close.

[Via Ed M]

Citizens in Action

But more than 15 people were ready to testify in support of the bar...[More]
That's appropriate, and it's not the bar's fault for what happens around it. But still, I look at the picture and wonder why no citizens show up and demand a right to be able to defend themselves.

And I wonder about a people who give a priority to drinking...

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones Thundering Enough

The neighbourhood beat manager, who has been an officer for the past seven years, is a heathen which means he worships Norse gods, including the hammer-wielding Thor, the one-eyed Odin and Freyr, the god of fertility. [More]
"Beat Manager"?

Yeah, y'oughtta see these "Only Ones" slam Mighty Mjǫllnir around...

The Company I Keep

A Democratic Undergrounder has judged me--by my link list:
...sites that I find it easy to judge by the links they themselves offer...
You know, like:
Armed and Christian
Armed and Safe
Armed Canadian
Armed Females
Confederate Sharpshooter
Conservative Beach Girl
Conservative Scalawag
Family Guardian

Just a few of my favourites.

Oh yes, and "Whose Paranoid".

I dunno. Not mine.
Gosh, and I so wanted his approval.

I know the rest of you probably did, too.

Does Thune Amendment Treat a Right Like a Privilege?

My only caution is to not make the mistake of thinking benefits do not also include costs. And to consider that sometimes, the price that will ultimately be required of us--or our posterity--is not always clearly understood up front. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column ought to irritate a few non-absolutists.

It was really a labor of, if not love, patience, as I've been trying to post on the damned Examiner site for the past five hours and their server has been on the blink. It also hurts because the site itself has been inaccessible for much of the day and I had a couple hot articles out there--but once people get an error message, they're not very likely to come back.

And, of course, it's meant I've produced nothing here on WOG today, and that's likely to just be the breaks--I'm pretty much out of time, although I may be able to fit one or two more posts in, depending on whether or not my GRE column will let me put in code I need to track and network.

Yikes. Anyway, if today's column doesn't infuriate you too much, please tell a friend. I will have earned every page view today several times over.

This Day in History: July 21

Hobart's Regiment of Militia also known as the 12th New Hampshire Militia Regiment was called up on July 21, 1777 at Plymouth, New Hampshire for Gen. John Stark's Brigade gathering at Charlestown, New Hampshire during the Saratoga Campaign. [More]