Entering a “Do Not Enter” Room at Work

Entering a “Do Not Enter” Room at Work

Story by Dennis Spielman
Stories may not be reposted or published without permission

Wearing a dark blue suit and red tie, our story’s main character, Danny, steps out from his office into a dimly lit long white hallway. Doors were scattered throughout the narrow, empty hallway, in an unsystematic fashion. Danny shut the door – not too hard, but not too soft – behind himself. He peered down each end of the hallway.

“I guess everyone went home already.”

Danny started his long walk down the lengthy hallway. Suddenly, he stopped in front door previously unseen to him on his many journeys down the hallway. He inspected the red metal door with a black sign on it reading, “Do Not Enter.”
Danny looked to his left. Then he looked to the right. No noise, and no people around. He griped the door handle, turned it. It was unlocked. He opened the door and proudly stepped inside.

Danny boldly marched into the large unknown all white room. The only things in the room were the brightly lit lights on the ceiling. He took a few steps into the center of room. The door shut itself.

“Hello?” Danny mockingly called out. “I wonder what they’re going to do with this room.”

Then a dark, evil laugh arose from the floor. Danny franticly glanced around the room for the voice. Then the laughter came directly beneath him. He looked down at his shadow.

The shadow jumped away from his body and took a full three-dimensional shape, laughing at him. Danny ran to the door. He tried to get it open. It didn’t open.

Danny turned and faced his fate as the shadow approached him, still mocking him.

Then the shadow spoke in his voice, “Happy Birthday!”

All of the walls rotated to reveal tons of people, all friends and co-workers, screaming happy birthday. Danny’s shadow returned to its proper place beneath him.

Danny smiled. “You guys got me good.”

Dennis’ Comments

This was originally written as a screenplay for a screenplay interruption class in college. Since I can’t really do anything with this script, I transformed it into this story story for your guys. Sorry, you can’t have your time back.