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'Absolved' warns against tyranny provoking rebellion

Regular readers are familiar with writer and activist Mike Vanderboegh. Mike has been working on a novel, "Absolved," for some time now, and is in the final stretch to complete the book.

What's it about?

Intolerable government abuses provoke active resistance.

Why is he writing it? Per Mike:

Both sides must get the point in order to avoid conflict.

I hope that when I'm done, 'Absolved' can perhaps take its place alongside these other "useful dire warnings."

It's extremely well-written. What I've read so far is gripping and terrifying. And very educational.

Here are links to the preview chapters of "Absolved." For now, bookmark the link to this column and share it with friends you think will be interested. And naturally, I'll let you know when the book is completed and how you can get a copy.

Absolved Chapter Links




Poor White Boys-Part One

Poor White Boys-Part Two


Improvised Munitions, Inc.

The Four Fingers of Death



Dead Man's Holler

Reverberations and Synergies


M14 - The Three Hundred Meter War


The Six Apostles (Excerpted from the chapter "Nemesis")

Absolved - - The Squad -- BAR

Absolved -- The Squad -- Rubicon

Chapter 23, The Four Fingers of Death

Chapter 24, Green

Also see: Anchorage Libertarian Examiner Kevin Wilmeth reports on Vanderboegh to Holder: prevent the preventable, before it's too late



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Gun Rights Examiner

David Codrea is a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He is a field editor for GUNS Magazine,...


  • RKBA Guy 2 years ago
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    Why does he say "both sides must get the message" in order to avert conflict? If only one side, the statists wannabe tyrants, started minding their own business and attending only to Constitutionally mandated issues, the anger on the other side would die down in a week. I always heard that "it takes two to tango". If the bad guys back down, there aren't two available any more.

  • jon 2 years ago
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    because, RKBA Guy, the mere fact that a man owns a gun does not turn that man into the criminally insane, OR into rambo. read the book, and you will get the point:

    if you, and they, let this happen, you will suffer. your children will suffer. their children will suffer.

    those of us young enough to inherit this, but old enough to have figured out exactly what we're inheriting, are already none too keen on keeping the older folk on government life support in their old age. how do you suppose that'll play out? do you consider collecting your tax-funded tribute check every month as minding your own business? wait, let me guess: you're gonna send the checks back. of course.

    you think it'd be a hoot to watch the powers that be take away the rules and then have to deal with 3 million vanderboeghs? go on acting like you can just dehumanize the "bad guy" enemy, poke 'em with a stick and then turn around to do only what interests you. oh, and, keep those peepers peeled, fella.

  • MamaLiberty 2 years ago
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    Gosh, jon... is yours the first generation to be lied to and robbed blind? Were you created in a test tube and raised by androids? Or did you have parents who worked hard and did the best they could with the robbery and coercion of those bad guys in charge then?

    So, you might consider a few alternatives or do you propose just shooting everyone older than 40 - or is it 20 now?

    There are alternatives to the SS checks - voluntary and local - and we'd better be working on some of THOSE very soon because, in case you hadn't noticed, the bad guys are running out of people to rob and something's got to give pretty soon.

  • straightarrow 2 years ago
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    I have probably had more of my earnings confiscated by government than Jon has yet earned. Isn't it so nice that he resents me holding them to their pledges made when they took it?

  • David Codrea-Gun Rights Examiner 2 years ago
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    Please keep comments on topic.

  • Anhurset 2 years ago
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    RKBA Guy, I'm going to tell you what my father told my first grade principal the first time I got into a school yard fight "It may take two to fight, but it only takes one to beat the crap out of someone." The same goes for your statement, it takes two to tango, but it only takes one to grind someone under their heel.

  • madashell 2 years ago
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    Mike makes a good point about both side needing to get the message, however in this case the side that needs to get the message doesn’t care about the people because their psychopaths on a power trip.

    When you have a weak over powering government ran be psychopaths that thinks it can’t loose you end up with a recipe for disaster

    David I believe we need to find a way to wake up women to the 2A.

    Do you know of any pro-gun women that would be willing to do little 2-4 minute you tube videos about why we need a 2A and why women should support the 2A?

    Even if it’s a girls day at the range report, we just need to find ways to incorporate the 2A into the lives of women.

  • Steve 2 years ago
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    The real point that is being missed, is this is a cycle that has been repeating for the entire history of mankind. This cycle is the human condition. BOTH sides want this cycle to be broken when they are in power to make their era permanent. But nothing is forever, even though it will come back again some day.

    The only thing we learn from cycle to cycle is how to increase the duration of of "our time". Unfortunately "our side" is historically slow at the learning curve and won't begin to wake up until it is too late to do anything realistic much less do anything about it until it is literally on their doorstep.

    Sorry, like it or not, acknowledge it or not, deny it if it makes you feel better, rationalize it away, tell yourself you will never live to see it, but what comes, nevertheless, still comes.

    Big, dumb, fat, & happy has its consequences. Maybe our side will learn that...the next time around. For us, we are far, far, beyond any effectual value of that enlightenment.

  • 3per 1 year ago
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    Love ya Mike !!!!!!
    Can't wait to get your book.
    Some will never wake up .........They worship the wrong G.

  • Buyer 1 year ago
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    A lot of people would send Mike money if this book could be put up for sale. If he can't finish it now, perhaps bring it out in two or three volumes. I personally would sure like to help him out financially, but need something tangible in return.

  • So you receive no value from Sipsey Street?

  • jesse 7 months ago
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    I read he finished this awhile ago and it was on the way to the publisher, any word on availability?

  • Anonymous 6 months ago
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    Might I suggest kickstarter.com as a venue for funding for the book

  • CarlS 4 months ago
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    A long time reader, and I may have missed an announcement, but what is the status of “”Absolved”? When will it be published and where can I buy it?

  • Rutland 2 months ago
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    Wow! Isn't this blowing up suddenly. Is the book's purpose to actually encourage or foment violence or did these seniors merely misconstrue and take things too far? These Wall Street demonstrations might be the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Will be interesting to see if the U.S. government resorts to overt violence to quell the brewing discontent.

  • Anonymous 2 months ago
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    Try Unintended Consequences by John Ross...

  • ebd10 2 months ago
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    Great read! When will he complete it????

  • Anonymous 2 months ago
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    Rutland, you seem to believe that you have to actually plan or commit a crime to get arrested by the Feral Bureau of Instigations.

    Until proven otherwise, I'll just assume these geezers never did or intended to do anything.

  • Ima Wurdibitsch 2 months ago
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    I haven't even started reading yet but noticed that the last two chapters are given chapter numbers while the rest aren't. I don't know if it's you or Mike who is responsible for the links but one or the other would be better.

    Oh, and keep up the good work!

  • Joseph L Cooke 2 months ago
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    Check out the novel, Ten Ring. There are some in government who really are the bad guys.

  • Anonymous 2 months ago
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    I have read with interest this novel,, and find it very enlightening. I served in IV corps in RVN on river patrol boats, was decorated , and am alarmed by the kenyans appetite for power. This novel is my worst fears coming true. Frankly, being from the west,, if any state seceeds i will have no choice but to go there to assist in whatever i can do to help.

  • Tack 1 month ago
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    Shouldn't "Absolved" be out any day now? That is what Mike said in Chicago. Where can I place an advanced order?

  • IIIper 1 month ago
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    With the exception of all of the religious overtones, I've found Mike's stuff to be a great read. I'm an avid fan of the Sipsey Street blog and think he is doing great work. No offense meant to religious folks, by the way.

  • A Soldier 4 weeks ago
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    Leave the SDF's out of your bigotry.

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