Leggo My Ego

January 26, 2009

Not even a week into office and Obama has managed to become the most self-aggrandizing, arrogant and egotistical President the US has probably ever had.

Is it still within my rights to call him a “total dick,” or has he already signed an executive order outlawing free speech? How about “President Douche” or “Mr. Dillhole”?

Oh well, at least I’ll sleep tight tonight knowing that I probably just managed to get this blog on the Secret Service’s watch list (if it wasn’t already.)

Suspicious Eyes

January 26, 2009

[My previous post came across as far too supportive of Gillibrand. For the record, I don't trust her. We've heard the same old rhetoric before, and we know how it ends up. The post was written on a total lack of sleep and I was literally falling asleep at the keyboard. I thought about editing it, but didn't want to seem like I was trying to cover up anything, so I'll just leave it.]

It seems that Carolyn McCarthy is about to give herself a coronary over NY Gov. Patterson’s appointment of Kirsten Gillibrand to fill Rodhole’s senate seat. She’s made the comment that she thinks Patterson is “making a very bad choice as far as picking someone who, in my opinion, doesn’t represent New York State.” I take that to mean her version of New York, the one she’d like to become reigning queen over in her little twisted fantasy, because I know there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of law-abiding gun owners residing in the state who’d rather see her walk off a pier.

However, it seems that Gillibrand herself may not be the “friend to gun owners” that she’s making herself out to be. She praised McCarthy for “outstanding leadership in fighting against gun violence and keeping our children safe”, which seems to be Dem-speak for “I actually do support gun control, but I’m just playing along with the rightwingers for now.” Actually, she has said it out loud, commenting that she “supports gun control but also protecting hunter’s rights.” You don’t have to have x-ray vision to see right through that candy shell. In fact, I recall a certain pug-faced Presidential candidate in the recent past who had basically made the same statement, although it was glaringly obvious where his political beliefs stood. I remember that footage of Kerry walking around a field with a hunter somewhere, shotgun over his shoulder. He looked about as comfortable holding a shotgun as some guy seeing another guy’s package in the locker room for the first time.

I’d intended to write a longer post regarding this, but David Codrea over at the National Gun Rights Examiner wrote a fantastic article here. I urge you to read the entire article. Take Gillibrand with a gigantic grain of salt.

One Little Victory…Kinda

January 24, 2009

So amid all of the blind fanfare and Democratic pants-wetting, it seems that we may have won a couple small victories, partially at least. But at least it doesn’t seem like all hope is lost…

The confirmation of Attorney General Eric Holder has been delayed by Republican members of the Senate for at least a week (and I’ve heard it could be up to a month, but I’m not entirely sure about that.) This all supposedly has to do with questions over whether Holder believes that Gitmo interrogators that may have used certain torture tactics should be charged and tried. Whatever the reason, I think it prudent to take this “bonus time” to try and convince our representatives to NOT allow Holder to become AG, for his rabid anti-gun stance among other things. He has not been confirmed yet, and there is still time on the clock to change enough political minds to keep him from becoming AG. Contact your state reps and let them know just how bad for business this guy is!!!

Small Victory #2…It turns out that Hillary Clinton’s Senate replacement is Kirsten Gillibrand, and a LOT of Dems are not happy about it. She’s a Democrat, but a strong Second Amendment supporter (although she did vote for stricter NICS enforcement) and fairly centrist. The NRA has given her a 100% rating, and despite the fact that the NRA has once again been rolling over as of late, I still think it’s a positive sign that she’s got such a high rating from them. Considering how anti-gun Hillary is, I find a small bit of amusement that she’s probably unhappy about the appointment. Gillibrand isn’t perfect (but let’s not kid ourselves…no politician is!), however, I really think we should see this as a small bright spot in an otherwise dark political week. However, I do find it especially odd that Charles “What Second Amendment?” Schumer is actually backing up Gillibrand, stating that “…We should at least give her a chance.” I’m going to keep a VERY close eye on this, because the fact that Schumer is backing such a pro-2nd Amendment politician just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, given his track record against the 2nd Amendment. It could just be nothing, but something’s bugging me and I can’t figure out just what it is yet (which bugs me even more.) For the record, Carolyn McCarthy, another very vocal anti-self-defense member of the Senate, is not supportive of Gillibrand.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that one of the world’s greatest firearms designers, John Moses Browning, was born yesterday, January 23rd 1855. The firearms world would never have been the same without his ingenious designs!

And So It Begins

January 21, 2009

The Great Promised One has ascended his throne.

I caught very little of the inauguration ceremonies, since I was asleep. I did watch the swearing-in, though. And I felt no sense of pride or hopeful outlook. I felt nervous and a growing uneasiness creeping in. The fact that Eric Holder, one of the most anti-freedom politicians I’ve ever come across, is supposed to be sworn in today isn’t helping to ease my apprehension.

Eric Holder is the absolute worst person to have as an Attorney General. He has expressed his desire to ban ALL firearms quite frequently, and what makes that worse is that he may end up have total control over the BATFE.

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Night Breaker…

January 20, 2009

I told myself that I wouldn’t post until later today, after the inauguration proceedings and all of the vomit-inducing hullabaloo that’s sure to follow. But I also realise that I can’t hold back making at least one more statement before I go to bed and wake up to a scarier country tomorrow.

I’ve been surprisingly nauseated by all of the current “pledges” by celebrities, who now want to cling to patriotism for dear life, yet couldn’t have been bothered with it two years ago.

This is how Hollywood works, and has worked for a long time. They firmly believe that they somehow “speak” for America, when in fact, they are generally the least-politically-educated group of individuals on Earth. Celebrities base their entire existence on jumping on convenient bandwagons to further their career, something that has been de rigueur since the birth of Hollywood. These are the same celebrities that wouldn’t pledge a flying fuck worth of patriotism to our country two or three years ago, because the “person in charge” wasn’t worth their time and certainly didn’t add anything to their repertoire of causes…but “now it’s different.”

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The Sunday Evening Post

January 19, 2009

One more quick note…I’ve decided that I’ll most likely be doing a weekly wrap-up, which I’ll most likely be calling “The Sunday Evening Post”. Not surprisingly, it’ll be on…Sunday nights! Basically a recap of events during the previous week that I may have overlooked or just didn’t have time to get to, but that are nonetheless important. It won’t really be long articles so much as short paragraphs recapping previous events, with links to articles on other websites if I see fit.

Oh, and you can be damn sure tomorrow’s going to be a big news day, so stay tuned!

A Few SHOT Show Updates of Note

January 19, 2009

Here’s a few updates from this weekend’s annual SHOT Show, culled from various sources around the web, featuring products I think will be a big hit. After the cut…

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“Anything Is Possible…”

January 19, 2009

“Anything is possible…” is a phrase from a speech given yesterday by Barack Obama at a pre-inauguration event in DC. In just a little over 24 hours, Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. And in just a little over 24 hours, the possibility of our rights as gun owners will become greatly threatened. No doubt every gun owner in America is well aware of Obama’s harsh anti-gun stance at this point, as well as the almost-certain appointement of Eric Holder as Attorney General (who seems far more anti-gun that Obama himself!)

I firmly believe that Obama was elected based on his celebrity and personality, and the fact that he’s an outstanding public speaker. I do not, however, feel he has any sort of real-world experience to be the Leader of the Free World (and this is outside the fact that I disagree with about 98% of his political stances.) I do not believe he has much of a grasp on the Constituation, and I do not believe for one second that he is a “Friend to Hunters and Outdoorsmen” as he states on his website (the same website, incidentally, where he at one point had an entire page dedicated to permenently reinstating the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban”, and greatly expanding it…this webpage “mysteriously” disappeared after thousands of gun owners and gun rights groups complained.) Don’t be misled, he is absolutely no friend to gun owners.

And yet, he will have 42,500 armed security personnal at the inaugural event. As we all know, politicians have no problem with guns when it comes to their own personal protection…too bad we can’t all afford personal bodyguards.

“Anything is possible” indeed…and in regards to this president, that phrase scares me.

Bullet Serialization Redux

January 16, 2009

Shortly after posting my article regarding proposed bullet serialization legislation, I came up with the bright idea of contacting a few of the major American ammunition manufacturers. My goal is to get a handle on what effect legislation like this could potentially have on their respective companies (although I’m sure we all have a pretty good idea of the consequences.)

I’ve sent out an email to Hornady, Federal, Sierra Bullets, Speer, Wolf and Cor-Bon (I also wanted to contact Winchester and Remington, although I could not find any email addresses for them.) I will post their replies as soon as they become available to me.

Hi-Cap Magazines Available…At Normal Prices

January 14, 2009

Recently, many dealers have been taking advantage of the current state of the nation in regards to hi-cap magazines. While I fully understand the recent mass-run on hi-cap mags, as well as the whole “supply and demand” thing, I have found a few retailers selling high-capacity magazines for normal prices. You don’t have to get gouged to get what you want (although keep in mind that most retailers are up to their necks in backorders, so your shipping time may take longer than usual if you have to do mail order or order online.) If you’ve found others, please email with a link to their homepage and I will gladly add them to the list.

AIM Surplus

AIM has both AR-15 and AK-47 hi-cap mags in stock. They’ve got 30-round AK mags, both surplus steel and US-made polymer TAPCO, $14.50 and $17 respectively (hint: the surplus steel mags are the way to go!) Their AR magazines range from $10 to $20, and they’ve got 20- and 30-rounders. Steel and polymer, manufacturers are C Products, Magpul, Lancer, Cammenga. They also have steel 15-round M1 Carbine magazines for $13 for the three people that own an M1 Carbine;-)

Sportsman’s Guide

Sportsman’s Guide has surplus H & K G3 (and compatible) magazines available. Aluminum, 20-round magazines. $15 for six.


CDNN has AK and AR magazines a-plenty! Steel and polymer AK mags, 5, 10, 30 and 40-rounders, Eastern European and Chinese surplus, $10 to $20 each, depending on material and capacity. They also have AR-15 magazines of various manufacture (C-Products, H&K, Lancer, US military surplus, etc.) in 10, 20, 30 and 40 rounds. Metal and polymer, prices $13 to $44. They also have the Beta-C “double-snail” 100-round drum magazines for $300, if you’re interested in that sort of thing, as well as 15- and 30-round Asian-manufactured M1 Carbine magazines for $15 and $19 respectively. They’ve also got 5, 10, 15, 25 and 30-round M1A/M14 magazines for between $15 and $20, depending on manufacturer and capacity. High-capacity magazines for CZ, Beretta, Glock, H&K, SIG, Browning Hi-Power, 1911 models and most other common pistols are also available at competitive prices.

Cheaper Than Dirt

Cheaper Than Dirt has AR-15 hi-cap magazines available, as well as magazines for just about every other gun. AR-15 magazines range in capacity from 1o to 30 rounds, with prices from $12 to $30. Steel and polymer available. 30 and 40-round AK mags available, steel and polymer, $15-$40. They have a huge selection of hi-cap pistol and rifle magazines at fair prices (including 32-round Springfield XD 9mm magazines for $24!)

The Trickle-Down Effect of Bullet Serialization

January 14, 2009

Recently, many lawmakers in several states have proposed “serializing” bullets. This would entail micro-etching a unique serial number onto EACH and EVERY individual bullet manufactured after a certain date. They would also require each batch of bullets (whether loose, for reloaders, or factory-loaded into ammunition) have it’s own unique serial number, and that each batch of ammunition be registered to a particular buyer. This would require every purchase of every separate box of ammunition have paperwork attached to it, and most likely a copy of the purchaser’s ID or fingerprints or other identifying document. Luckily, these bills have been struck down in all 20 states that they’ve so far been brought up in. But there are still 30 other states in the Union, not to mention some ne’er-do-well bringing it up as a federal law.

The supposed theory behind this serialization is that any spent bullets recovered in a shooting victim can be traced back to the shooter. Those lawmakers proposing such measures fail to see beyond their desire to basically ban ammunition…a picture painted with the loss of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of American jobs and the closing of thousands of companies, and that’s just the tip of the this monumentally-gigantic iceberg. The feasibility of ammunition manufacturers to implement such a scheme would be financially impossible, and they would be put out of business within weeks (if not days) of such a law being passed. The effects of such an occurrence would be devastating not only to civilian gun owners, but to the military, police, Department of Wildlife, private security firms, and even the US Olympic Shooting Team.

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