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Better late than never…

June 18th, 2009  by China Business Success Stories

A 96-year-old Taiwanese man who will receive his master’s degree in philosophy this weekend said he was able to compete with younger students by pulling all-nighters before exams.

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LG Race Car

June 11th, 2009  by China Business Success Stories

If you look closely you can see that this race car isn’t a regular one, but the car is made of LG phones!

LG Race Car

Dancing Employees

June 4th, 2009  by China Business Success Stories

If you ever visited the Post Bureau of China, you might not have noticed but even though they look like regular businessmen, some of them turn out to be great, or at least very funny, dancers!

In this video the employees dance a dance named ‘graduation’ at a party perfomance held by the Post Bureau of China.

Shanghai Lady Drives Off With Tow Truck

May 28th, 2009  by China Business Success Stories

Ever had your car being towed? This is one way to solve the problem!

Chinese Toilet In Western Style

May 21st, 2009  by China Business Success Stories

There is a new solution for the squat toilets in China! Bring your own toilet seat and your squatting days are over.

To check out more funny pictures, visit AmoyMagic.