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lexical topics:
  • Physics, Techniques and Procedures
  • Normal Anatomy
  • Musculoskeletal Imaging
  • Breast Imaging
  • Gastrointestinal Imaging
  • Urogenital Imaging
  • Chest Imaging
  • Cardiovascular Imaging
  • Neuroradiology
  • Head and Neck Imaging
  • Paediatric Imaging
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Desktop Search Tool


Extend the Medcyclopaedia to your personal desktop, and search directly from your desktop with our new search tool.

The Desktop Search Tool only requires a quick (1,49 mb) download and installs itself automatically on your desktop. You may configure it according to your preferences and it may easily be removed at your convenience.


How to install:
Before you start the installation, close all other programs.

In the first dialog window that appears after you have pressed the above ‘Download’ button, select
‘Run this program from its current location’.

Click ‘Yes’ on the following two dialogue windows.

After this, a standard program installation window will appear - just follow the instruction and confirm the progress by clicking ‘next’.

This program works better under Win98 and above.

The installation process described above may vary slightly depending on the configuration of your computer.

In case you should encounter problems during the installation, please contact your local computer help desk facility for assistance.
