Testimonials From Other Pregnant Women Who Have Used The Technique In End Morning Sickness

I'm stunned, but I can't tell you how much better I feel after following your instructions. I had been nauseated 24 hours a day for 8 weeks and now I am a new woman. (And I found your website just before leaving for vacation -that I was able to enjoy thanks to my new ability to enjoy the
food!) I really think I was subconsciously causing my own nausea because deep down I questioned whether I was really pregnant, and being sick was (oddly and unpleasantly) a verification. Tiffany, USA


I was six weeks pregnant when I started feeling nauseous...

...I read that at week 7 the vomitting starts and most of the typical treatments didn't give much relief. I knew I had to do something right away. A web search led me this program. After reading the testimonials from the other women I decided to give it a try. I purchased the program on a thursday, that evening I did the sequence and felt immediate relief!

Emotionally I felt excited since I felt that I had really found something that was going to work and I would be able to continue working. I repeated the sequence twice over the weekend when I felt the nausea coming on and again it went away immediately. The following week I did the sequence maybe 3 more times and that was it. It was GONE FOR GOOD.

I did not miss a day of work, and I was able to eat and nourish my growing baby during my first trimester and thereafter. I was elated! I have recommded this program to many friends and anyone I meet that's pregnant. It was a lifesaver. Holly Vannatta, USA

'Hi Claire, I just wanted to thank you for your technique. I have to admit, at first I was sceptical. I read through it and it sounded a bit silly. But then I thought, hey, what have I got to lose? Only my morning sickness!

I am pregnant with my first and the morning sickness just started last week (week 8). While it wasn't too bad (I know of several people who had it much worse), I hated feeling nauseous all day long. Even eating little snacks throughout the day didn't really work. So, I tried your system later in the week. It helped a little. I tried it again over the weekend and now I feel just great! There are a few moments thoughout the day where I may feel just a touch of nausea but I make sure to get something to eat and I feel fit as a fiddle in no time.

I consider myself very lucky - I am getting away with less than a week of morning sickness! My mother told me that she had morning sickness throughout her entire pregnancy when she was pregnant with me and it was horrible, so I knew I had to do something.

This is so wonderful! I have several pregnant friends and I am planning to tell them about your system and how effective it was for me. As long as it lasts (which I fully expect it to) I plan to enjoy every moment of my pregnancy!

Thank you again,' Melissa Nord, USA

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'Hi Claire, I just wanted to say thanks for all the support you have given me. Although I stop vomiting within minutes of using this technique I wasn't able to get rid of my nausea. When I emailled you I was feeling depesperate and you answered quickly and with a whole list of things to do. I followed your instructions and my nausea just vanished. Thanks for everything! Cheryl Stilman, Cambourne, UK.'

"I was about 6 weeks pregnant when I tried the acupressure technique. I was very, very sick and the doctors wanted to put me on medication. I tried the technique as described and within a few days my vomiting decreased dramatically. It took me a few more days of trying to get it to go away completely. I am still struggling to get rid of my nausea completely, but it has been reduced from a scale of a 10 to about a 5. My pregnancy is finally tolerable and I don't need medication. I'm still going to continue to try to get my nausea reduced 100%. Thanks so much for this great technique. It really does work!" Megan Wilt, USA

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" Hi Claire, I have to tell you I was extremely skeptical but extremely desperate. I thought I would order and just get a refund if it didn't work. You proved me wrong, my sickness just vanished. I have NO IDEA how this worked. All I care is that it did. Now on week 27 and the sickness has not returned. Thank you!!" Stella Bruce, USA

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This technique is the strangest thing I have ever encountered and I felt a bit of a crazy person doing it. But it worked - my nausea left and hasn't come back. I had been looking at your site for a week before buying because I was skeptical and suffered a week of nausea I could have avoided! Thanks Claire!
Erin Stanbol, USA

"Wow, nothing short of a miracle. My midwife thinks it was coincidence. I was at week 10 and had been vomiting 3 times a day for the past 2 weeks. I applied the technique (though i felt a bit silly doing it) and didn't vomit again! In fact no more nausea, I celebrated with steak and chips ....haven't been able to have that for a while. THANKS A MILLION!" Fiona Douglas, Bristol, UK

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" I was one of those unlucky women who had been throwing up everything from week 7 onwards. By week 18 I wasn't even able to keep water down so my doctor wanted me to have drip to rehydrate me. I really didn't want to go in. I found your website and thought i would give it a go. At first I could just drink water, but i continued, after a few days I was eating and drinking normally. I still felt sick at times but I felt a million times better." Becky Philpot, Melbourne, Australia

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" I had tried everything, Preggie Pops, Sea Bands, Morning Well, Ginger Tea, Ginger Biscuits, Ginger Ale, GINGER EVERYTHING, and nothing worked. Then I saw a lady talking about the relief that she had got from using your book, on a pregnancy forum that I belong to. I bought the book and my nausea has gone. I don't know how or why and frankly I don't care....ITs GONE...... I now recommend your book to every pregnant woman I know!!" Kirsty Gallagher, Bridport, UK

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'WOW... I FEEL WONDERFUL!!! What an odd technique. I cannot describe how it feels to be my old self again. I was really struggling with 3 children under 5 and constant nausea. I hadn't thrown up but sometimes I wish I had, I thought it might make me feel better. Whilst looking up ways to get rid of my nausea I found your site. I thought the technique was very strange, tapping and humming and counting to 10 and all the other bits to the routine. I tried out of curiosity rather than thinking it would help but afterward I didn't feel sick, I thought it was a bit spooky and sort of tried to make myself feel it to see if the sickness was there and no it was definitely gone. Please use my testimonial on your site I want others to know it works'. Bethany McAlistar, Scotland

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'I used this technique to get rid of my morning sickness within 10mintues and 4 weeks later it still hasn't come back. Then one day I had an awful headache so I thought I would try it on that too and my headache disappeared. I now use this technique on everything. Most times it works, occasionally it doesn't. I wish i learnt about this years ago.' Claire Scott , Plymouth

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'If you have morning sickness you have to try this technique. It works. It worked for me. I had two weeks of utter hell, even the thought of eating made me throw up. My sister searched the Internet for me. She felt bad for me and was desperate to help. She bought your book and we went through it together. It took 2 days for the vomiting to go and another 2 to get rid of the nausea. By week 8 I was enjoying my pregnancy. Thanks Claire for this novel technique and thanks Anna, my sister, who was determined to help. Isobel Garrat, Australia

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Please email me your story and I will share it with other ladies suffering from morning sickness

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