Monday, May 16, 2005

Newsweek Has Killed More People than My Gun AND Teddy Kennedy's Car

Doc Brown at Right Justified refers us to a Reuters story on how incompetent and irresponsible reporting at Newsweek resulted in Muslim riots, leaving 16 dead and 100 injured.

Newsweek, of course, is a leading shill for the citizen disarmament crowd.

John Lott, in “Media Bias Against Guns” tells us:

“The 1999 special issue of Newsweek entitled ‘America Under the Gun’ provided over 15,000 words and numerous graphics on the topic of gun ownership, but not one mention of self-defense with a firearm. Under the heading ‘America's Weapons of Choice,’ the table captions were: ‘Top firearms traced to crimes, 1998’; ‘Firearm deaths per 100,000 people’; and ‘Percent of homicides using firearms.’ There was nothing at all on ‘Top firearms used in self-defense’ or ‘Rapes, homicides, and other crimes averted with firearms.’ The magazine's graphic, gut-wrenching pictures all showed people who had been wounded by guns. No images were offered of people who had used guns to save lives or prevent injuries.”

Per NRA, Newsweek is one of the “publications and media outlets [that] have assisted in the attack on Second Amendment rights. The editorial policies of some of the media sources listed portray firearms in a negative manner in an attempt to generate public support for restrictions on firearms ownership.”

Forget the title of this article.

How about “Newsweek Has Killed More People than Ted Bundy”?

Or “Newsweek Has Killed More People than the Manson Family”?

Guess What I'M Reading?


I wish author Matthew Bracken hadn’t sent it to me. I’m working 7 days a week on my real job, many of those days over 12 hours. I’m up every morning early to post to this blog. I have the magazine deadline to worry about. A wife and two kids need my attention. The lawn doesn’t do itself.

And now I’m addicted to a massive page-turner.

I’m halfway through.

I can’t wait to get back.

There are free preview chapters you can check out online. Then do yourself a favor and BUY THIS BOOK.

I’ll be writing more about this later in my copious free time.

It’s really, really good.

NRA Filibusted

“The NRA has made no statement for or against the ‘nuclear option’. It has tried to please conservatives by posting news updates that are exclusively anti-filibuster and have posted no reference to conservative groups or authors that oppose the change in filibuster rules. The NRA has tried to salve Democrats by pointing out that they have not come out in support of any filibuster rule change.”

Typical Fairfax straddling and equivocation to protect their precious access above all else. John J. Cahill’s conclusion is that we members "should be proud" of this.

Sorry, Mr. Cahill—been down this road of avoidance and plausible deniability before. I don’t respect it in men and I don’t respect it in groups.