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Advice from experts and real moms for parenting your 13-18-year-olds

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singles7799 says:
2 weeks ago

Great information on subjects that are very important to parents. A great resource for all people.

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lienekefairfield says:
3 weeks ago

I'm not sure if this topic has been explored on here yet but we're still talking about it quite a bit. As some of you may know the FDA was set to approve emergency contraception (prevents pregnancy - not an abortion pill) without a prescription so teens who have had unprotected sex could access it and prevent becoming pregnant. The FDA's decision was overruled by Secretary Sebelius, the head of Health and Human Services. Anyway, if you're not familiar with it, there's more much more information here: www.facebook.com/MyTeenKnows. Very helpful.

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barbarasmith22 says:
July 15, 2011

I am not too indolent to write a research paper. I just have no time for research. Thus, I have to utilize the essay writing service to get term essays, which are accomplished by the most experienced writing experts. I understand that a lot of people can't survive without custom writing help.

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