Turbulence Training Testimonials



"Craig, thanks for sharing your wealth of expertise. The constant new workouts, up to date research on fat loss and motivation through your newsletters and blog, is unmatched.  For me, the dumbbell and bodyweight workouts are perfect for the small amount of exercise equipment I have at home, and I no longer regret not having a membership to a gym."

Tyler McEchren

"I have made huge progress since simply applying the principles in your TT program, including all of the nutrition protocols recommended by you and Dr. Chris.  I have not lost that much weight in the last 11 weeks, (10 pounds) but all of it has been body fat and my BF profile has changed by 7% in 11 short weeks!  Amazing to me at 48 years old.  In fact I will never hit my goal of 165 pounds now because I almost have that much in LBM!  New goals have been set to get to single digit BF%.  And the beauty is me and my body will never be bored.  I quickly signed up for the membership plan and my body never knows what the hell I'm throwing at it from one day to the next.  And the DB-BW Fusion program - BW circuits absolutely rule!  Nothing will move you if you are stuck quicker than those BW intervals.  Your membership plan is an incredible value that will save any trainer out there hours of time in program design. Thanks and keep it coming!"

David Churchill, Mission Viejo, CA

"First I want to say thanks for your tireless attention whenever I email a question about anything. There is always a quick response. Secondly: I LOVE the work outs you develop. It saves me so much time as a trainer. I work mostly with older women, and when I have a young male client I am typically stumped for some good variety. I simply open my Turbulence Training folder and can quickly find a program that is safe and effective. They feel they got their money?s worth after a session and the intervals are fun for them. Most clients have never heard of them.  Thanks for all you do for us trainers Craig.."

Diane Holden, Certified Personal Trainer, NSCA

"If anyone, anywhere, for any reason is desiring answers/solutions and help, in order to gain results on fat loss-muscle gains-strength-flexibility. If anyone is concerned with time restriction, confusion and a feeling of not knowing what is and what isn't real, when it comes to fitness, health and nutrition. If one has no time to make a "second career" out of training!!  Please, please, do yourself a favor: Pull out that credit card and invest into simplicity, fun and results!  Invest into Turbulence Training! It just works. I have used it. I have recommended it and every single individual has thanked me, sincerely. Pure gratitude to you Craig. Thank you."

Isabelle Lorca, Personal Trainer, Beverly Hills

"All of your Turbulence Training  materials are required reading for all  International Fitness Academy's trainers.  I have spent a great deal of time studying your research and training programs and find them to be precise, accurate and effective. Our clients have truly benefited from  the application of your training guidelines. We are most impressed with the research you have put into designing Turbulence Training which has resulted in the finest fat loss training product on the market."

Lanny Schaffer, The International Fitness Academy



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