Monday, October 31, 2005

"Machine Gun Sammy"

Anybody who can provoke such hysterical fearmongering from the Brady Bunch has gotta be doing something right...

[Via Xavier Thoughts]


President Bush, stung by the rejection of his first choice, nominated conservative judge Samuel Alito on Monday to replace moderate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor in a bid to reshape the Supreme Court and mollify his political base.

From Gun Owners of America:

There are other conservative judges who are currently on the federal bench who also have a high regard for the U.S. Constitution. Judge Samuel Alito, Jr., in the Third Circuit, has argued that Congress has no right to regulate the private possession of machine guns.

Tell me more...

Police Riot in Wisconsin

So it's the official policy of the City of Madison -- at least according to its mayor -- to assault citizens just as a preventive measure.

And isn't the threat of that the very essence of "gun control" laws?

[Via M'Gath]

You're Quite Welcome

This sure beats some of the stuff that's been said about me...

More Treason From the Birthplace of Liberty

Restrict the flow of legal weapons, and the number of guns circulating illegally on city streets would decline. "We need to go after traffickers who have highly developed businesses... just like selling hotdogs," says Bryan Miller of Ceasefire New Jersey, which lobbies for gun safety.

For all the talk of enforcing existing gun laws, those statutes have not kept illegal guns out of the hands of criminals. So lawmakers need to enact the one-handgun-a-month proposal being championed by Rep. John Myers and Sen. LeAnna M. Washington, both Philadelphia Democrats. Limiting legal handgun purchases - not hunting rifles - to a dozen per year would preserve gun owners' rights, while seriously hampering gun traffickers.

Wait a minute--I thought Philadelphia wasn't supposed to have any more crime. I thought "enforcing existing gun laws" was the winning strategy.

Gee, maybe you can't get in bed with your enemies. Maybe compromise and appeasement don't work, and they'll always be coming back at your throat.

Note this is coming from Philadelphia, home of Independence Hall (now a UN World Heritage Site). Disarming the Constitutional militia ought to be prosecutable as an act of treason.

And note the divide-and-conquer tactic pitting hunters against handgun owners--your rifles are OK--we're just going after those other guys.

For now.

Bill Proposed to Ban 'Cop Killer' Handguns

[BugMeNot Login Edress / Password: / 69sk0e]

Massachusetts anti-defense fanatics continue to demonstrate that they prefer destroying gun owners with police state coercion over peaceful coexistence. Exactly how many cops have been killed with the unspecified handgun has not been disclosed, nor where we can get one of those 0.05 needleguns before they're banned.

But out of all the foolishness contained in this story, this line stood out the most:

He argued that the NRA does support gun laws that are effective in reducing crime..

Really? And what laws would those be?

[Via KABA Newslinks]

Sunday, October 30, 2005

This Could Have Been a Win-Win Situation

Calgary police Chief Jack Beaton says he wants to work with the city's firing ranges to devise a strict registry that would require every user to provide information and photo ID.

"We don't want gang members improving their shot," said Beaton.

Why not? Maybe then they'll start taking each other out instead of all those innocents they hit with stray shots.

Thank You For Your Service. Now Get Out.

Cryptic Subterranean relays what's happening to Walter Gaya, "an Army sniper...injured in an IED attack on a Stryker he was travelling in. He was eight days away from being sworn in as an American citizen..."

Now, he's in a bureaucratic black hole: Federal immigration officials wouldn't renew his permanent resident card or tell him when he could reschedule the swearing-in ceremony. No one at the local U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office could tell him what to do next to get his citizenship papers, or even how to renew his immigration documents.

I hope it's not because Immigration and Customs management is preoccupied with exposing themselves to teenage girls at malls...

UPDATE: Never mind.

"We Feel Like the Gun Makes the Problem Worse"

Blognomicon introduces us to Lisa Price, executive director of North Carolinians Against Gun Violence, who would apparently rather see women raped and butchered than armed.

Notice her advocacy for rendering you and your loved ones defenseless is based on her feelings.

Where have I heard that before?

Rossie: Gun Makers Aren't the Problem Here

He starts out fine and is going along great, and then he starts bemoaning the lack of regulations and demanding gun registration.

Yes, Mr. Rossie, gun makers aren't the problem. Idiot Americans who either don't understand or fear or despise "shall not be infringed" are.

Gun Geek on the Net Gets 3Yrs

A COMPUTER nerd was yesterday jailed for three years for selling replica guns on the internet. Andrew Phillips ran a website called Guns2 from his bedroom at his mum's house...Police closed the website in a raid on Phillips's Nottingham home after questions were asked in the Commons.

"Gun geek?"

"Computer nerd?"

Don't you just love the way "real journalists" keep their personal biases to themselves and limit their reporting to the facts?

For the risks this guy took and for the penalties they impose over replica guns, why wouldn't he just run the real things?

Here's what's left of the website the police shut down, courtesy of the Wayback Machine.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Let's Give Federal Law Enforcement a Big Hand

Never mind--he's using his own (sorry).

If it looks like WarOnGuns is being particularly hard (sorry again) on cops today, it's really not by design. These stories just keep falling into my lap (once more, I apologize).

One of the more obscene passages in this sordid tale:

The jail and the Orange County Sheriff's Office declined to release Figueroa's mug shot taken when he was booked at the jail. Florida public-records law permits law-enforcement officers charged with a crime to withhold their booking photographs.
[Via Wolfesblog]

Raped By Cops

Maybe they were imposters.

"Obviously, We Cannot Support Guns, So It Was Taken Out."


Seeing as how Judy Yu is a practitioner of Stalinist revisionism, why would we expect anything else?

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Smoke My Gun is pulling up stakes.

Too bad. Good site.

"Please feel free to find me at The Firing Line under the username vitesse9," he writes.

Name the Liberal Hypocrite Quiz

1. Which liberal says that labor unions are essential for worker rights and accepted the Cesar Chavez Award for their contributions to the labor movement, but uses non-union labor in the hotels, restaurants, and Napa Valley Vineyard that they own?
a. Susan Sarandon
b. Paul Newman
c. Nancy Pelosi

Caveat: I haven't personally verified the answers, but this is very interesting and appears credible.

[Via God, Guns, Glory!]

Bill Seeks to Limit Gun Confiscations

Police shouldn't be allowed to confiscate guns from hurricane victims as they reportedly did in New Orleans, said a state lawmaker who has introduced legislation to make sure that doesn't happen in Florida...

The bill (HB 285) would amend a law that permits the governor to suspend the sale, dispensing or transportation of firearms. It would add that nothing in the law "shall be construed to authorize the seizure, taking or confiscation of firearms that are lawfully possessed."

How nice of them. People need a bill to let them know the government isn't allowed to steal their survival tools in emergencies--just when they need them the most???

A question: What the hell is this permitting the governor to suspend sales travesty about, anyway? They pulled this same act of war on the people in the LA riots (you couldn't get ammo or pick up a gun you'd gone through the mandated "cooling off" period for).

What other unalienable rights is government authorized to suspend if they come up with a good enough cover story?

Dress Like a Cop--Rob With Impunity

The men burst into Frias Tire and Mechanic sometime between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. last Thursday. At least two shots were fired - one into a wall, one into the ground - by the impostor cops, Gener said.

Why is everybody assuming they were imposters?

[Via KABA Newslinks]

Rules For YOU and Rules For US

"Chief Bratton needed a permit because when he became Chief of LAPD he was not a sworn California peace officer legally entitled to carry a firearm. Bratton got a CCW, despite the fact that his 'good cause' justification for needing a CCW was completely inadequate under LAPD's current standards as applied to ordinary citizens."

In Los Angeles, only the police, politicians and the politically-connected get to carry concealed guns without fear of having their lives destroyed if caught. The LA Sheriff practices this same kind of elitism.

[Via KABA Newslinks]

Friday, October 28, 2005

Shameless Plug: Storm Warning

Outside the Superdome, chaos ruled. Looters ransacked with impunity. Armed gangs robbed and raped and killed. Rescue helicopters were shot at. Police were photographed and videotaped joining in the looting. Hundreds went AWOL or quit outright. Mayor Nagin bizarrely claimed they needed a 5-day all-expenses-paid Las Vegas vacation to cope with the stress.

"Storm Warning" is my Rights Watch column for the December issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale now at prognostic newsstands throughout the Republic.

BONUS: See page 68 of this issue to find out how you can win the Ruger 50th Anniversary Commemorative Blackhawk .357.

Bethel Police Chief, Aid Charged In Drug, Gun Probe

Police Chief Reginald Roberts and Lt. Jerome Cox were arrested Thursday following an undercover operation on charges of conspiring to distribute crack cocaine. The chief also was charged with unlawfully selling a firearm to a convicted felon.

Yep, they're definitely the only ones professional enough...

Today's Forecast

"[T]hings are broken and tough history is coming."--Peggy Noonan

Resource Officer Loses Gun At Elementary School

Here's another one for the "I'm the only one professional enough" files:

Investigators say the officer placed his gunbelt on top of his patrol car as he was leaving the Campobello elementary school Tuesday.

He then drove off, forgetting it.

I'm sure if this happened to you and me, the punishment would be to take a remedial training class.

Question for Wayne LaPierre: Do you still maintain "[W]e believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period,with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel"?

Gun-Toting Official Takes Plea Bargain

Threaten a cop with a loaded gun, get probation and a $300 fine.

Yep, I'm sure that's what would happen to one of us regular citizens.

Scheer Auditions for Talent Show

To the tune of The Horst Wessel Song, he stamps his feet, lies and wets himself, all at the same time!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Brazil's Next Ban

Postcards of bikini-clad beauties frolicking on Rio's famed beaches could be banned from sales in the city's shops and newsstands in an attempt to discourage sex tourism.

Yeah, their proposed ban on guns was supposed to stop violent crime. I'm sure a ban on postcards will stamp out prostitution.

What the hell is it with these government types?


The administration is saying it's because the Senate would have demanded sensitive White House documents. My unqualified, totally speculative opinion is the heads-up questions Arlen Specter gave her scared her off.

And now it's time to meet Bachelorette Number Two...

It's Antelope Canyon

South Park Pundit wins.

If you look at the comments, you'll see I knew the answer, but didn't disclose it since I already had a button.

But I cheated.

I'd never even heard of Antelope Canyon before this. I just did a Google image search on the terms "Arizona" and Canyon" and found this.

A Terrifying Ordeal

TWO couples suffered a terrifying ordeal early yesterday after robbers forced their way into a house and fired a gun to back up their demands for money.

Of course it was terrifying. They were helpless to do anything except obey monsters who use the threat of lethal force to coerce victims into compliance.

And forgetting their government for a moment, they were also being robbed by free-lance criminals.

More Blunders Down Under

Western Queensland gun owners will face a safety audit to ensure their weapons are being stored correctly.

The six-month state-wide audit will see police make appointments with randomly selected licenced weapon holders to inspect their storage facilities.

All without a warrant. Oh, that's right, when you relegate rights to licensed privileges, you automatically agree to subject yourself to the government outrage de jour.

Wonder how many appointments have been made with the segment of the populace causing all the violence problems. Oh, that's right, none.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Demonizing Condi

Michelle Malkin reports that USA Today doctored a photograph of Condoleezza Rice to make her look demonic.

I cannot believe that government-recognized journalists would stoop to such low tactics. Seeing as how us lowly bloggers don't make the grade, who are we to trust for reliable information?

The WMDs Have Been Found!

Najee Ali finalized with a strong sentiment, citing that “Guns are weapons of mass destruction that are used to kill people. We demand that Paramount Pictures remove these negative images of death and destruction, images that our young children are influenced by.”

50 Cent does sound like a lovely man. Leave it to rich liberal Hollywood producers to get in bed with him in pursuit of the Almighty Dollar.

But Najee Ali needs to get his head out of his hindquarters and come to grips with the fact that disarming people has historically been a terrible idea, particularly as it pertains to blacks and freedom.

Anti-Gun Groups Call for Ban on Crown Molding

If it will save one life...

Pretty funny satire.

Dipping Into South Africa's "Gun Pool"

Johannesburg - About 17 000 police firearms were reported lost or stolen between 1990 and 2003 - about 1nbsp;000 [as appearing in original--DC] a year or 108 a month...

"I can't say how many of the firearms reported lost or stolen by the police have been used in violent crimes, but I know that the police use Z88 service pistols. These firearms are one of the types used regularly in violent crimes..."

So the government that can't control the weapons they've appropriated wants people to believe controlling privately-owned weapons will make everything all better in terms of "gun crimes".

And remember--those are only the missing firearms "reported."

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

License to Shill

Daniel Craig will have a problem playing the new James Bond - because he hates guns.

The actor will wield 007's famous Walther PPK in the movie Casino Royale.

But he revealed in OK! magazine: "I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.

Join the club. Sean Connery was a spokesman for UK disarmament, and Pierce Brosnan is a big UN supporter. And this article reveals Roger Moore also shared those sentiments. But at least these guys waited until they were rich and famous before they started alienating their audience.

Way to go, Craig--you've single-handedly guaranteed a "Boycott Bond" movement while the movie is still in pre-production. Yeah, I'll bet the money men behind this production will be shaken, not stirred, when they realize they entrusted their investment to such a moron.

Hey guys--it's not too late to replace him...

Disarming Mike Wallace's Critics

The CBS spin doctor has managed not just to evade--but to totally ignore a central question:

Did Mike Wallace accept or forego his traditional $50-75K speaker's fee?

Don't they think this is relevant information that the public deserves an answer to?

If not, why not?

Win a Cool Link Button For Your Blog

Head on over to Fun Turns to Tragedy and guess where the awesome photos were taken.

SF to Ban Brazilians From Voting

Pretty funny...

"As a Former US Citizen..."

Thank God for that.

Anybody think the Terry Crawford-Browne's of the world will tolerate us coexisting with them? That is, unless we are bent to their will by the state?

Another Frothing Anti-Defense Zealot

Here's another boringly unoriginal government force monopoly zealot who would be worse than useless in a life-or-death defense situation. I hesitated giving this wretch any further exposure, but found some stuff that was too rich not to share:

From a reprint posted at (can you believe it?) Christian Ethics Today:

So by no means mention that the likely weapon in these murders is a .223 caliber rifle, probably of the sort usually called “military-style,” which actually means “military.” These rifles have a range about five times the range typically favored by deer hunters.

And here's an article titled "Carter - America’s Best Former President."

Hey, everybody--listen to Tom Teepen. He's smart!

R.I.P. Rosa Parks

If only more Americans had the courage to defy freedom-stifling edicts...

[Image via The Smoking Gun]

Monday, October 24, 2005

Gun Crime Up By 150%

"What concerns me is the increasing willingness of criminals to use guns to kill people," he said. "Gun crime in Islington (North London) increased by 148 per cent last year."

Yep, sounds like citizen disarmament is working just fine across the pond.

Say, I've got a swell idea: why don't we try that here?

Gun Owners Refused Licences Set to Sue

A gun lobby group is suing Minister of Safety and Security Charles Nqakula for R3,2-billion for compensation to its members whose appeals for gun licence renewal applications were turned down.

In addition, those who have not yet applied say they will defy the law and not apply after seeing how the other members were treated.

They should have done that in the first place.

Background Checks to Double This Week

From Vin Suprynowicz:

While Nevadans without such permits have to pay $25 to have an FBI criminal background check run each time they purchase a firearm, serious gun owners and shooters were told that as a fringe benefit of acquiring the concealed carry permit we'd be allowed to buy firearms without undergoing (and paying for) a new $25 "Brady" check each time.

Guess what?

In an Oct. 13 letter, Maj. Robert Wideman of the division of the Nevada Department of Public Safety (state police) advises Nevada gun dealers that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has determined that will no longer be the case beginning Oct. 23.

BATFU'd again.

That collar our "gun rights leaders" say is an incremental victory isn't starting to choke yet, is it?

By the way, you've all bought Vin's book, right?

[Thanks to Skip]


Brazilians soundly rejected a proposal to ban the sale of guns in a national referendum Sunday...With more than 92 percent of the votes counted, 64 percent of Brazilians were opposed to the ban, while 36 percent backed it, said election officials, giving the 'no' position an insurmountable lead.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Meanwhile, Back at the Great White North

The Canadian government is looking into ways to sue U.S. gun manufacturers for the spread of illegal weapons into this country, the Toronto Star reported yesterday.

Bring it on.

After looking at this report and the way the Canadian government is pursuing global citizen disarmament, I think it's past time we had it out.

"I'm the Bigger Gun Banner!"

"No, I'M the Bigger Gun Banner!"

Democratic mayoral contender Fernando Ferrer took Mayor Bloomberg to task yesterday for supporting Republican lawmakers who backed a controversial pro-gun law passed by Congress last week...

"For the past four years, Mike Bloomberg has battled gun manufacturers in court, led a coalition of big-city mayors to stop gun violence and stood up to the NRA to defeat this bill while Freddy Ferrer did nothing and said nothing," said spokesman Jordan Barowitz.

Mike Bloomberg can't win for trying. Which is fitting for this statist loser.

Pathetic, that in order to play to New Yorkers, you have to prove yourself the most subversive to the Constitution.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Nicki's Secret Admirer

I'd comment, but Napoleon XIV has pretty much said it all.

Then check out Nicki Fellenzer's blogs, The Liberty Zone and Nicki's Asylum. I think she needs to clear out a room in the latter for her pinheaded cyberstalker.

"Remember New Orleans!"

Wayne LaPierre thinks that ought to be our new slogan when confronted with citizen disarmament proposals, and he gives some examples where it would be a good rejoinder.

I agree. But here's one Wayne forgot to mention:

Imagine you're a teacher, and you hear gun shots and kids screaming. You have a roomful of children entrusted to your care, but you're pretty much helpless to do anything except lock the door, order everyone on the floor behind their chairs, and hope the attacker passes you by.

Remember New Orleans!

[KABA Newslinks]

Friday, October 21, 2005

Just Say "No" to Self-Defense

...Stephen Hargarten, co-director of the Firearm Injury Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin, raises questions that should prompt all legislators to look skeptically at a proposal that would allow average Wisconsinites to carry concealed weapons.

(Translation: Another agenda-driven ivory-tower egghead finds no correlation between being armed and being able to defend yourself, and wants more money to expand his influence.)

But youth in Wisconsin are committing suicide at a statistically higher rate than the national average, and if more people are carrying more people might (yeah, the editorial actually says "might") be "killed with their own guns that have been taken from them."

Forget that "youth" won't be in the population eligible for concealed carry. Forget that "Japan, which prohibits handguns, has a suicide rate of more than twice the U.S. level." Forget that the suicide rate in Los Angeles County Jails--where disarmed inmates are monitored 24/7--was documented to be about five times higher than that of the general population.

See, here's the thing. Hargarten and the National Academy of Sciences (the anti-gun collective that recently came out with the massive study that couldn't find any correlation between citizen disarmament laws and reduced violence) depend on continued funding. So it's hardly surprising that their conclusion--when they can't find facts to support their thesis--is they need to ponder some more, and they need more money with which to ponder.

Think of squawking chicks in a nest, maws gaping, shrieking for more regurgitated nourishment. You wouldn't let those determine your defensive options, either.

The actual Hargarten journal article is here. Amazingly it is even stupider and more agenda-driven than the Journal Sentinel editorial. He apparently can't help whining hysterically about a Ruger Blackhawk model that was engineered to include a transfer bar to address the problem of misfires over three decades ago. He demands mandatory (and conveniently non-existent) "personalized handguns," and deliberately misleads his readers with statistics about police officers and takeaway incidents, knowing full well they will be exempted from having to use them.

Bottom line: Hargarten is not acting as a scientist. He is acting as a propagandist. So expect the Brady Campaign and their fellow travelers to hold this dishonest opinion piece masked as scientific literature up like it's the Ten Commandments handed down from God.

And no, I haven't changed my opinions about permitting/licensing of unalienable rights. But that's a different debate.

[Thanks to Dan Gifford]