Thursday, November 01, 2007

GUNS Magzine: November 1957

REPORT ON LEGISLATION:-In hearings which dragged on for two days, the Firearms Section of the Treasury's Alcohol & Tobacco Tax Unit met a snowballing storm of protest against their revised regulations governing commerce in pistols and pistol ammo. From all over the nation firearms enthusiasts collected to express their disapproval. The Treasury-revised regulations, a thinly disguised stab at national registration, developed angry condemnation from leaders of over 350 clubs, groups, associations, and journals in the shooting field, representing conservatively over 10,000,000 shooters. Only three men could be found to speak in approval of the regulations! As was pointed out at the hearings, the importance of such rules is not what good administrators will do with them, but what bad men can do with them.

The crushing blow to the Treasury's stand came on Sunday, August 25, when the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice convened at Camp Perry to discuss these rules. A resolution condemning them was passed, and Army Secretary Milton communicated to Treasury Secretary Anderson the Defense Department's strong opposition to the regulations and their effect. (Civilian fun saves the Army millions of dollars in training.) When GUNS learned of this conference between the two cabinet members, we spoke to the assistant Director of Civilian Marksmanship, Col. Ellis Lea, and were asked to introduce this information at the Treasury hearings. In signing off om phone talk, we said "Well, it looks as if this thing is licked. Next step: repeal the National Firearms Act." And, in agreement, Col. Lea said, "Check!" This view of the Army, on the importance of individual firepower and civilian marksmanship training, is shared by top-level policy-making personnel. The appreciation of automatic weapons' importance is directly recognized by these men. A new national shooting association, the American Automatic Weapons Association, 317 Houseman Bldg., Grand Rapids, Michigan, has been formed to study the problems of sport-shooting and recreational training programs involving lawful use of automatic weapons. Unofficially,during the course of the hearings, this organization obtained the blessing of many top men in the Defense Department and the Marine Corps. With progress in modern legislation this "blessing" may become official.

Meanwhile, firearms enthusiasts must become far more active politically than they have ever been since 1776. The strength of the gun enthusiast is through his shooting club and association memberships. These groups are awake to the immediate need for political action. To help shooters, we are making available reprints of "Why Not Have A PRO-Gun Law?" from the September, 1957, GUNS, ten for a dollar, postpaid. We have mailed out hundreds to legislators, law enforcement, youth group executives all over the country. You should do the same, contacting your elected representatives. This is not an election year-there is plenty of time to learn now how your representatives think, before you go to the polls.

The November 1957 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online. I am once more reminded of the foresight these folks had half a century ago--talking about repealing the NFA, where today, some caution us it's too soon.

And again, I'm pleased to be associated with a magazine that still devotes space each month to the right to keep and bear arms, and more than a little disappointed in some of the ones that do not, especially major ones that used to...

Give Them Nothing

Yield nothing, not an inch, not a penny, not a hair on your head, without fighting for it tooth and nail.

This is one of the best essays on self defense I have ever read, and I have read quite a few. The only thing I would venture to add as an aside is that these principles also apply on a societal scale.

This deserves to be on the editorial page of every newspaper in the country.

[Via HZ]

Hillary Supporter Says Tim Russert "Should Be Shot"

Another said Russert “should be shot,” before quickly adding that she shouldn’t say that on a conference call.

What is it with anti-gun lefty democrats talking about shooting people lately? First Peter "Petey" Hamm and now a Hillary supporter on a campaign conference call...

Who among my ideological opponents can I talk about shooting without getting myself in trouble? If I can't do it, why can they?

Let's reverse what the Hillary supporter said--suppose that comment was made about her candidate? Anybody think the Secret Service wouldn't be crawling all over it--serious statement or not?

Lot of projection going on with these emotionally troubled antis, don't you think? It's been said before, the reason they don't trust anybody else is because they really don't trust themselves.

We're the Only Ones Automatically Child-Loving Enough

Federal authorities have charged Anthony Rypka, Jr., a police officer in Tarrytown, with distributing and possessing child pornography and possession of an illegal, unregistered fully automatic sub-machine gun.
Honest--as I keep saying, I don't go looking for this stuff.

Someone, please, MAKE IT STOP!

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]

A Negligent Discharge

"We have no indication that there was anything other than a negligent discharge on his part."

Finally, they get it right.

But how come when an "Only One" is involved, the discharges always seem to be "accidental," or better yet, "the gun went off"?

We're the Only Ones Who Can Hit the Broad Side of a Barn Enough...

...or at least a house with a crossword-filling granny sitting in her armchair.

Read the excuses on page 2 of this story.

Winkowski said they had all been 'high' on an emotional roller coaster...

Wilson twice responded, "Alcohol impaired my judgment. "
Massachussetts "Only Ones." 'Nuff said.

Terror on Campus!

A text message alerted Wittenberg University students about an armed suspect on campus late Tuesday night.

Wittenberg Police Chief Carl Loney said one or two airsoft guns were recovered. The guns shoot soft projectiles and are considered a weapon banned from campus. The campus has a "zero-tolerance" policy on all weapons, Loney said.

Yeah, but that applies to "firearms [and] dangerous weapons", Chief. Unless you have a different policy not readily accessible to the general public, it's tough seeing how anyone would know soft projectile guns meet that definition, because the policy I'm reading doesn't say a word about them.

Maybe they were just taking The Airsoft Challenge? You know, proving how moronic and useless your stupid, evil anti-human disarmament policy really is?

By the way--from the time the initial report was made until your "Only Ones" who can be trusted with weapons showed up, how much damage could a maniac with a "bullet hose weapon of war designed only to kill" have done? And if he'd been inside a building silencing lambs, why should we believe your bravos would have done anything besides stake out behind cars, buildings and trees, especially considering that your own active shooter protocol relies on the Springfield PD for all tactical responses...?

Another Anti-Gun "Lie-In"

Seeing how this agency has lied so much, how can believe a word that they say when ATF employees such as Kelvin Crenshaw tell about 47 gang related arrests in Seattle and later is caught for lying about 77 gang related arrests in Spokane. Why did Crenshaw lie? It appears to justify their own existence, to establish a permanent gang field office and also an ATF Regional Crime Gun Center (Note that Crenshaw is interviewed in both stories).

Ryan Horsley points us to yet another chronicle of BATFU credibility.

I'd wish all the agents and inspectors a happy November 1, but I wouldn't want it to be misconstrued.

We're the Only Ones Academic Enough

Iowa's college overlords have decided to arm the police on the three state campuses.

That's great news!

Now campus "Only Ones" can hide behind cars and trees while students are being slaughtered. But at least they'll be safe.

The Blame Game

Anti-gun rhetoric has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with surrendering freedom.

Liberty Belles look at blaming gun owners.

This Day in History: November 1

By November 1, 1765, the day the Stamp Act was to officially go into effect, there was not a single stamp commissioner left in the colonies to collect the tax.

Gee, I wonder why.

I'd be inclined to speculate on a modern application of time-honored methods, but some might not approve...