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Popjustice arrow Blog arrow It would appear that Beyonce has made the best pop video of 2011
It would appear that Beyonce has made the best pop video of 2011
Story filed Thursday, 19 May 2011

You know when people were going "well that Beyonce single's a bit of a wet Wednesday isn't it" and other people were going "well wait for the video it'll be like 'Single Ladies' all over again" and people were going "that doesn't seem very likely really does it though" and then the video was endlessly trailed then delayed and everyone was running around going "this is a fiasco, Beyonce's over, abort, abort, wheel out the ballad"?

Well the people who said the video would sort everything out were right.

This is incredible.

Horse: amazing.

Ox: amazing.

Woman in cage: amazing but only because she is an empowered woman who runs the world and has chosen to be in the cage OBVIOUSLY.

Lion: amazing.

Red flags: amazing.

Mutley style dance move at 0:56: amazing.

Wobbly leg open/close thing at 1:08: could do with Beyonce passing her hands from knee to knee for that full 'dad at a wedding disco' feel, but still amazing.

Two gentlemen in red hats that look like berets but aren't being the new 'Single Ladies' ladies: amazing.

Beyonce stealing something from a chap's top pocket: not amazing - petty crime can be the start of a destructive downward spiral.

Beyonce with a man in a headlock: amazing.

Beyonce with two hyenas on leads: the exact opposite of not amazing.

Beyonce crawling through a man's legs: amazing.

Beyonce in front of a water canon like a riot chic version of Lady Gaga being hit by a tidal wave: amazing.

Dress made of shiny bits of something or other: amazing.

Metal ring fingernail things: amazing.

Standing in front of a burning car like in the 'Crazy In Love' video: amazing.

Beyoncebosomhoist at 2:30: amazing.

Strobing at 2:31: amazing.

David Brent-does-'Can't Get You Out Of My Head' dance routine and frock combo at 2:37: amazing.

Bottomwobble at 2:42: amazing.

Backwards chorus line legkick at 2:49: amazing.

Salute at 2:50: amazing.

Legs in the air at 3:06: amazing.

Upside down in a sandpit: amazing.

Hair whip at 4:02: amazing.


