Goodbye Dear Gamecube


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Uploaded by on Dec 5, 2006

With the Nintendo Wii soon to be released in Europe this Friday, Dec 8th 2006, N-Europe take the time to say one last goodbye to the fading Gamecube and remember a few of the good times/games to be found on it.

Eulogy Script Written by N-Europe Feature Writer: Iun Hockley

Intro Music: "Across The Stars" from Star Wars: Episode 2: Attack of the Clones OST by John Williams
Background Music: Intrumental version of "Good Riddance (Time of Life)" by Green Day
Credit Music: "Sheena's Theme" from Tales of Symphonia OST by Namco (more)

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  • People, the cube was more than a gaming system to chill out and play on, it was a f$riend. I remember when my best friend died, i ran to my cube and played it for hours on end.I still do today!The cube never broke or let u down, it was there for me and Ill be there for it!!! The wii can not do this to the cube noooooooooooooo!!!!

  • everyone, don't sell ya gamecubes, there's something that the gamecube can do and the wii can't: The gameboy player!

Video Responses

This video is a response to Blunty on the Wii
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  • RIP Gamecube you will be missed forever in the gaming world I hope you come back one day.

  • @grinnellalarms Idk, it just doesnt work on the Wii for some reason.

  • can I have your pikmin game? XD

  • Now there needs to soon be a video called Goodbye Dear Wii. I wasn't a gamer until 2005 and while the GameCube holds something very special in my heart the Wii has taken up a large portion of my life as a gamer. Here's hoping that the Wii will have at least a few more titles before the Wii U comes out and puts the Wii into the grave.

  • @chuchr128 how is that possible the gamecube came out on the 18th of november of the same year

  • @KaratekidYuhas why when its backwards compatible


  • yup, was good console i loved it but sry xbox 360 and kinect for xbox 360 will make the gc disapear, sad rly but i prefer x360

  • Wow. These guys are really sad to see the Game Cube go...

  • @ATARI800XLfan Haha, same here. I prefer Sega Genesis, NES, SNES, and N64 than the new stuff. I just bought a game cube 2 days ago just to play Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess games lol. I still like other new games some but, they're just not as fun/challenging as these newer games that are comin out. Whatever happened to games where you couldn't save and you had to keep playing in order to beat them? Sucks...

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