Computer Desktop Wallpapers - Crimea, Ukraine

the Foros church
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1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200
Cave Skelskaya
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1024x600 1024x768
Cave Skelskaya
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1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Cave Skelskaya
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200

Cave Skelskaya
Free Wallpapers:
1024x768 1152x864
1280x800 1280x960 1440x900
Cave Skelskaya
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1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200
A blue sky at Crimea
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1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Crimea, Ukraine
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200

Crimea, Ukraine
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Paeonia Taurica
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1024x600 1280x800
1440x900 1680x1050
Orchis Tridentata aka Three-Toothed Orchid
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1680x1050
Paeonia Taurica
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200

Paeonia Taurica
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200
Paeonia Taurica
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1366x768
1440x900 1600x900 1680x1050
1920x1080 1920x1200
Paeonia Taurica
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768

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Paeonia Taurica
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1680x1050 1920x1200
Paeonia Taurica
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200
Paeonia Taurica
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1600x900 1680x1050
1920x1080 1920x1200
Orchis Purpurea aka Lady Orchid
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Orchis Tridentata aka Three-Toothed Orchid
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Orchis Tridentata aka Three-Toothed Orchid
Free Wallpapers:
1024x768 1152x864
1280x800 1280x960 1440x900
1680x1050 1920x1200
Crimea, Ukraine
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Crimea, Ukraine
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200

Machaon Linnaeus
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Machaon Linnaeus
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
The Black River
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Paeonia Taurica
Free Wallpapers:
1152x864 1280x800
1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200

Crimea, Ukraine
Free Wallpapers:
1024x768 1152x864
1280x800 1280x960 1440x900
1600x900 1680x1050 1920x1200
Crimea, Ukraine
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Crimea, Ukraine
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200

Picturesque clouds
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
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Picturesque clouds
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1920x1200
Picturesque clouds
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1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
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Picturesque clouds
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200

Picturesque clouds
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Picturesque clouds
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200
Crimea, Ukraine
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200
Teshkli-Burun cape
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1280x960 1440x900
1680x1050 1920x1200

Remnants of citadel at Mangup Kale
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1024x768 1280x800
Teshkli-Burun cape
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1024x600 1280x800
1280x960 1366x768 1440x900
1600x900 1680x1050 1920x1080
Remnants of citadel at Mangup Kale
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1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200
A sunrise near Feodosia
Free Wallpapers:
1024x600 1024x768
1152x864 1280x800 1280x960
1366x768 1440x900 1600x900
1680x1050 1920x1080 1920x1200

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Bakhchisaray - 51 image(s). Balaklava - 507 image(s). Cat-photo - 154 image(s).

Cat-show - 118 image(s). Chersoness - 35 image(s). Dnepropetrovsk - 34 image(s).

Evpatoria - 3 image(s). Gelendzhik - 64 image(s). Icbm - 10 image(s).

Indy - 1079 image(s). Kerch - 32 image(s). Kharkov - 29 image(s).

Kiev - 137 image(s). Koktebel - 21 image(s). Laspi - 22 image(s).

Livadia - 41 image(s). Macro - 638 image(s). Massandra - 59 image(s).

Nikita - 673 image(s). Odessa - 120 image(s). Sevastopol - 723 image(s).

Sochi - 87 image(s). Sudak - 272 image(s). Yalta - 132 image(s).

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