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Public Employee Salaries

database growing daily!

Newly updated salary information contains gross compensation,
including salary, benefits, bonuses, etc.

Click on a name for more information.
Name Position Department Gross Comp.
Teacher Instruction $43,304
Instructor Instruction $10,945
Substitute Teacher Instruction $281
Teacher Instruction $33,741
Substitute Teacher Instruction $192
Instructor Instruction $5,930
0 Instruction $5,712
Instructor Instruction $10,341
Teacher Instruction $34,106
Instructor Instruction $3,570
Teacher Instruction $34,198
Substitute Teacher Instruction $611
Teacher Instruction $44,119
Instructor Instruction $11,677
Teacher Instruction $43,502
Substitute Teacher Instruction $377
Instructor Instruction $11,079
Teacher Instruction $27,183
Teacher Instruction $8,062
Teacher Instruction $25,043
Teacher Instruction $39,510
Instructor Instruction $8,442
Instructor Instruction $10,858
Substitute Teacher Instruction $800
Substitute Teacher Instruction $303
Instructor Instruction $11,398
Instructor Instruction $6,822
0 Instruction $5,664
Instructor Instruction $1,361
Substitute Teacher Instruction $88
Substitute Teacher Instruction $131
Substitute Teacher Instruction $55
0 Instruction $5,932
Instructor Instruction $2,517
Teacher Instruction $15,490
0 Instruction $6,134
Teacher Instruction $41,440
Teacher Instruction $47,183
Instructor Instruction $13,511
Teacher Instruction $25,860
Instructor Instruction $7,613
Teacher Instruction $34,186
Instructor Instruction $1,735
Teacher Instruction $35,961
Instructor Instruction $10,832
Teacher Instruction $35,226
Substitute Teacher Instruction $5,020
Teacher Instruction $39,055
Instructor Instruction $316
Teacher Instruction $46,433
Results Found - 125
Displaying - 1 thru 50
      1  2  3      

Excelsior Acadamy Charter School was updated on January 12, 2012 for Fiscal Year 2011. Records based on gross compensation, including benefits and other additional pay, for the 10-11 fiscal year. Benefits are not paid to the employee, but paid on behalf of the employee. Records are supplied by the State of Utah from their transparency website. Data includes a breakout of pay type for each profile/record. If a name is protected by law, the name will be displayed as "Not Provided." Users can determine actual pay by excluding reimbursements, employee benefits, meal allowances, and compensation.
