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Public Employee Salaries

database growing daily!

Newly updated salary information contains gross compensation,
including salary, benefits, bonuses, etc.

Click on a name for more information.
Name Position Department Salary
Cptn - $58,449
Ff/pm - $8,265
Eng - $40,470
Ff - $3,141
Eng - $51,873
Ff/pm - $2,355
Ff/pm - $14,677
Bc - $85,215
Dc - $83,818
Ff/pm - $12,229
Cptn - $69,025
Cptn - $65,053
Cptn - $76,838
Ff/pm - $8,314
Eng - $51,042
Eng - $56,309
Ff - $1,765
Eng - $50,671
Ff - $9,485
Bc - $74,233
Eng - $46,520
Cptn/pm - $70,479
Ff/pm - $13,182
Ff - $38,968
Ff - $5,113
Ff - $161
Ff/pm - $1,453
Ff/pm - $5,256
Eng - $53,348
Ff - $1,429
Ff/pm - $8,459
Ff - $1,871
Cptn/pm - $22,272
Ff - $7,233
Cptn - $51,549
Eng - $49,779
Eng - $59,909
Eng/pm - $53,692
Ff - $5,933
Ff/pm - $19,643
Cptn - $9,440
Cptn - $66,142
Ff/pm - $49,076
Ff - $26,863
Cptn - $66,451
Eng - $40,757
Ff - $10,800
Ff - $1,324
Ff/pm - $928
Ff/pm - $7,535
Results Found - 119
Displaying - 1 thru 50
      1  2  3      

South Davis Fire updated on 2-7-2011. Records based on employee earnings/wages for the 2009 calendar year.
