20 of the coolest gadgets and must-haves for your office!

by Stephen Chapman  |  June 19, 2011 11:19am PDT  |  Image 1 of 22

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The 360 Pen

Much lighter and only slightly less dangerous than twirling around a pair of scissors, the 360 pen is perfect for all those times you get stuck on a conference call or simply feel the need to spin something! People will stand in awe as they wish they had whatever it is you're delightfully twirling around, but be careful: if left out in the open, your 360 pen could involuntarily find itself a new home, thus leaving your finger sad and lonely. Buy one and take it to your next team meeting!

Where to buy:  Perpetual Kid for $7.49 + S&H;

[Related Gallery: 20 of the coolest gadgets and must-haves for your office: Part 2]


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Great Products
livingroyal 3 days ago
These products are the soul essence of awesome office gear. Products like these make sitting in an office all day, fun and exciting. You can also find products similar to theses at www.livingroyal.com
LOL @ fruit tablets
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@nicholas22 Those things are seriously awesome. lol.
@StephenChapman I had read an article about these berries, IRRC "miraculin" and how a company tried to sell them decades ago when the FDA suddenly re-classified the berries such that they needed many expensive tests. The whole project collapsed.

I didn't know these things had made it to market, but I'm looking forward to trying some. This one item might have just made the the article worth the time! Thanks!
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@bmgoodman Hey, thanks for checking out the gallery! That's neat that you read about those berries in that context. I've known about them via ThinkGeek for a year or two now, but I *never* see or hear of them mentioned anywhere. Let me know how they work for you! grin

@StephenChapman Cool stuff !
The 360 pen is perfect for all those times you get stuck on a conference call or simply feel the need to spin a home of google update a site compare with linux a contact site from another big company a website which upgrade always a home page is the best something.
@StephenChapman Lol this is ridiculously funny Fruit tablets.
-John P. agence web
@StephenChapman Cool
@nicholas22 Wasn't there an episode of Monk or CSI where someone was murdered using this stuff... the killer gave them a little of this and then put Drano in their cocktail (which they couldn't taste)?
@sleepyfool yes know that movie. It was so cool.
@nicholas22 They are futuristic innoative office tools. Hope to buy some of them.
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Beware flying ink
JimboNobody 20th Jun
I used to twirl my pens a lot. One slung ink all over me, which broke me of the habit (though it was momentarily refreshing).
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@JimboNobody Oh man, hahaha. Thanks for the heads-up!

That reminds me of something that happened to my grandfather a long time ago. He used to shake bottles of stuff. No matter what was in a bottle, he would shake it up. Well, one morning, he was heading to work and took a bottle of shoe polish with him. Walking from the door to the car, he started shaking the bottle for no good reason and it ended up bursting open all over him. He was a firefighter and it just went all over his uniform. lol. I imagine it may have been momentarily refreshing for him as well. =)

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@JimboNobody haha it happened to me too at the
agence web
@Phantom Keystroker....

It really needs to come with rounded edges so it won't cause you too much pain when the person you're pranking takes the damn thing and jams it up your @$$.
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@boothby If you *really* wanted to see someone get mad at you for something like that, look up the BSODomizer (Google it). That thing's even more devious.
@Sonic Grenade...note the properly rounded edges!
Very cool. Some of the gadgets are really excellent. I wish there was some way to email the list for future reference.
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@abc123a Yeah, that gallery template here is a work-in-progress. For the time being, you could either copy the link and just email it to yourself, or add the link to your favorites. Hope to get some sharing avenues tied in with the galleries soon. Thanks for viewing! =)
Love the abusive stamps...handy both in and out of the office!
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@arobinson.neal@... I was hoping someone would dig those! I considered removing them prior to posting, because I wasn't sure if people would dig them or not. Glad you do!
You should have only shown 11 or 12 items and then referred us to ThinkGeek.
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@Azathoth hahah. Yeah, they do kind of have the market cornered with things like this. Regardless, it's still good for people to be able to see these things individually -- especially those not familiar with ThinkGeek!
@Azathoth Nah... I'm glad he wasted HIS time on that Thinkgeek so I didn't have to. I don't have time to look at 40,000 pieces of useless, overpriced crap.
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Where's the Ginormous Rubber Band with which to fire it?!

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@emmaspl@... Good call! May have to do another one of these with even more awesomeness -- including the rubber band!
I bought several of these and placed them all over the office and warehouse. Most failed to attract attention, but the Evil-Tron I hid under the toilet tank in the office restroom had several co-workers convinced that the place was haunted for close to a year, until I had to let them in on the gag (I attached a flat bracket to the tank bolt so it would stick).
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@maddad001 Oh, man. The toilet thing is genius! Definitely going to have to give that one a shot sometime, hahaha.
Don't they ever clean beneath those in your office toilets?!? They do where I work. Using high grade, chlorine based products. That's how the administration manager wants it cleaned. Plus those are the cheapest...
Rather get Zen Magnets www.zenmagnets.com as they are manufactured to a closer tolerance and thus create better structures. Less expensive, too. Not sure whether TG has some in perpetuity clause written into their Bucky contract, or what, but they continue to carry them. And BB does do special edition colors from time to time.
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A phenomenal collection of puerile crap. If this collection is for office workers then it must be popular where child labor is legal.
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StephenChapman 8th Jul
@GeorgieXYZ Man, I'm glad I'll never have to work for/with you! lol.
Who knows?!? Life's a pretty messed up place, I'll tell you that!
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Let me guess
Pete "athynz" Athens 9th Mar
You are one of those fools who claims work is supposed to be no fun.
That 360 pen looks like it could take somebody's eye out!
Or just as well smear your cheek or shirt with pen ink...
@Stephen Chapman

You look like my bosses long lost twin....
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grillomalta@... 8th Aug
I couldn't help laughing out loudly at the ludicrous idea of my boss asking for a paper clip, and being presented with that!!! Fairly made my day! Thanks!
Stephen, as good as the awesome products you have selected are your hilarious description/suggested uses. Great job!
Once I saw the Red Swingline, I knew this list was A-OK. (I also have an Initech coffee mug so I can walk up to cubicles and say "Whaaaat's hhhhhapening, ahhh, if you could just go ahead....")
OMG! It's a! It's a Swingline Stapler! And it's Red! How cool is that?
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magnetic balls
allan@... 22nd Sep
This can kill or injure small children if they swallow more than one. I thought they were pulled off the market.
Well if you have them and someone makes you cross you can always throw the toys out of the pram!
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ta9002 5th Oct
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Cool or EVIL???
Murfski 10th Oct
A couple of those devices are so evil, I wouldn't even use them on my boss. But oh, the temptation!
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Killer pen!
leo8888 12th Oct
I loved the line: "Much lighter and only slightly less dangerous than twirling around a pair of scissors". I wonder how long before the lawsuits start when someone goes to the E.R. with a 360 pen sticking in their eye!
yo.. nice stuff.. grin
Doesn't anyone else see the potential dry humor in "fruit tablet" on a tech blog? Latent puns ftw
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Great Products
livingroyal 3 days ago
These products are the soul essence of awesome office gear. Products like these make sitting in an office all day, fun and exciting. You can also find products similar to theses at www.livingroyal.com

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