phpMyVisites is changing into Piwik

Piwik is the next generation of phpMyVisites and aims to be an open source alternative to Google Analytics.

Try the online demo, download Piwik or find out more!

phpMyVisites is a free and powerful open source (GNU/GPL) software for websites statistics and audience measurements.

phpMyVisites gives a lot of information on websites visitors, visited pages, software/hardware utilization, etc... The GUI Interface is fun and practical. The installation is entirely automated and very simple.


Free Web Analytics

phpMyVisites version 2.4: Security release

16 december 2009 - 17:00

We are releasing phpMyVisites 2.4 to address a security issue that was recently reported. We urge every phpMyVisites user to update as soon as possible to phpMyVisites 2.4 as the security issue is critical.

Is your web server contaminated?
It can be hard to tell as the crackers are using quite clever techniques.

  • If you have a file phpmv2/datas/thumbs.php, you are affected.
  • If you are on a dedicated server, try to execute ps faux and look for SSH connections that are not supposed to be there (eg. sshd fakelogin@priv fakelogin being a login that doesn't exist on your server or is not supposed to exist).
  • Look in your website directories, are there new files, especially suspicious looking files like numbers 8475875.php or styles.css.php or fotter.php or s.php?
  • Are there new .htaccess that are not supposed to exist?
  • look at your actual website files (especially if written in php), do they contain code that is not yours at the top or at the bottom? Things like base64_decode, eval, gzinflate, are a sign that you are infected.
  • Note: do not only look in phpmv2/ files, also look in your website files or any file on your server (to help, look at files that have a modification time that is suspicious)

How to update phpMyVisites to 2.4?

Backup your phpmv2/config/ directory on your computer or on your server. Delete your existing phpmv2 directory. Reupload the new phpmv2 directory from the 2.4 download. Now, reupload your backed up /config/ directory in the new phpmv2/ directory. Your phpMyVisites should work fine and is now secure!

We also recommend that you rollback your other websites and files on your server to a clean backup. For better long term support, we highly recommend that you start using Piwik which is the new project we are working on: new features being added every month, and much more powerful! Piwik, the new version of the most famous web analytics open source software! Visit for more information about the open source alternative to Google Analytics.

They use phpMyVisites!

Many individuals and companies participated to the project with server donation, performance patches, bug fixes, and new features:

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Free statistics, really?

March, 2007 - 10:00

phpMyVisites is a free web statistics software. It is also often called web analytics. phpMyVisites is open source and free. You can download it, install it on your webserver, and get your first statistics after 2 minutes! Then all these numbers may be very useful to improve your website results. If you understand how your visitors behave, if you try to analyse your audience and extract information from the web analytics reports, you can definitely boost your website!

You can try phpMyVisites on the online web statistics demonstration, feel free to play with it. You can get general information about the software on this presentation page. Once you are convinced, give it a shot (download, install and try it), you may become addicted :-) Look at the demo and search for keywords your visitors typed in the search engines (google, yahoo, live, etc.), know from which country they come from, which pages they are interested in, do they come often and how often ... and much more information!

Have fun with the numbers : Try phpMyVisites today!