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Obama Blamed His Popularity Woes On Fox News, According To New Book


President Obama blamed some of this troubles on Fox News. Or so says a new book, detailing the president’s first term after the 2010 midterm elections through the beginning of 2012, by political journalist David Corn. In it, Corn writes that Obama felt the coverage on Fox was wreaking havoc on his standing with white males.

Specifically, in a private meeting with labor leaders in 2010, Obama reportedly said he was “losing white males” who watch Fox. From Politico:

“…Fed by Fox News, they hear Obama is a Muslim 24/7, and it begins to seep in…The Republicans have been at this for 40 years. They have new resources, but the strategy is old,” Corn recounted Obama as saying.

Corn’s book, Showdown: The Inside Story of How Obama Fought Back Against Boehner, Cantor, and the Tea Party, is said to take “the reader into the Oval Office and the back rooms on Capitol Hill for a fast-paced and gripping account of the major events as they unfolded” and capture “the dilemmas faced by a president assailed by disappointed progressives and defiantly obstructionist Republicans determined to see his defeat.”

Politico notes clashes with corporate executives that are also included in the book: “‘I saved these guys when the economy was falling off a cliff,’ Obama said, according to Corn. ‘Now I get nothing but their venom.’”

It’s likely not far-fetched to say more such tidbits will circulate the media once the book is released.

(H/T Politico)

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    Yes FNC does amp up the anti-Obama material but MSNBC did the same thing for Bush every night. Just the way it is. He should get thicker skin.

  • Anonymous

      “an OBOZO-ism” = blaming everybody else for your failures and your incompetence.

  • http://twitter.com/Effec_Tor Effector

    At least he has the network news and all cable news except Fox on his side.

  • Anonymous

    FOX has been RELENTLESS in its partisanship. There’s virtually no separation between the opinion side of the channel and its news gathering side. MSNBC may have its biases, but it was never — even in the worst days of Bush — a 24-hour, non-stop propaganda machine the way Roger Ailes has made FOX.

  • Anonymous

    LMAO,,,David Corn,,,,LMAO
    Nothing credible to see here

  • Anonymous


    Kill yourself.

  • SNAPTIE: ” Obama/ Kony 2012 “

    Barack Obama has blamed his troubles on Bush, the tsunami, earthquakes, bankers, Republicans the Europe debt crisis and now FOX News.
    Who hasn’t he blamed his troubles on?

  • http://profile.yahoo.com/KMT32YGRHM3PKVPZVMZKIU6QOQ rp752

    I’m getting sick of this “Obama isn’t a Muslim” stuff. I thought that was obvious: he’s either not Muslim, a terrible Muslim or Sufi, which without the religious hierarchy is no big deal. But, alas, it’s starting to become a case of the lady doth protest too much, methinks.

  • SNAPTIE: ” Obama/ Kony 2012 “

    Keep drinking MSDNC’s Kool-Aid.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_ERDSZOOPOITNDF3GS45TPSRZP4 Jeff

    Again, this shows the immaturity and thin skin of Obama. He is not prepared for this job, he is un-presidential and I along with a lot of insider information believe he really doesn’t like the job of president because is requires a great deal of work and negotiating. He like having the title of President but really just likes the perks of flying Air Force One almost daily and meeting and being a celebrity – Entourage anybody? Cant wait til Mitt Romney – a serious and mature man takes over the country in Nov.

  • Anonymous

    look, it’s a brain dead Obma zombie…LOL

  • Anonymous

    Once he loses in Nov he will blame the Mayan calender.

  • Anonymous

    I thought Hanks said he didn’t delve in blame?  What a crybaby.

  • Anonymous

    once again the president is right,as usual.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_ERDSZOOPOITNDF3GS45TPSRZP4 Jeff

    Gee why would some people be confused about Obama’s Muslim connection. Could it be that his name is Muslim, his father was a Muslim, his step-father was a Muslim, he spent his youth in a Muslim country, he attended Muslim schools and in his own books says he went to Muslim mosques, can recite the Koran, says in his books the most beautiful sound he ever heard was the call to Muslim prayer. Personally I think he is an atheist like most far left people are but to pretend he doesn’t have a lot of ties to the Muslim faith is disengenious. 

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_YCCUIOEO5JI5NKXFLDIRUF6X3U Phil

    He has steadfastly avoided blaming Barack Obama or any of his insiders like holder, Ehmanual etc.

  • Anonymous

    FUX News has it’s agenda.  Nothing new there.  The sad/amusing part is that many people, including some that post on this site, take the misinformation as fact and turn it into overzealous hate for the President.

  • Anonymous

    dan abrams always blames his dad for his poor life

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