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As individuals we learn from our mistakes.

As the human race we don't.
Support WeFree.Us. Learn how you can help charities improve their fundraising while you increase your personal income.

Vortex Technology, the  process whereby nutrient particles are micronized to go directly into the blood stream via the surface areas of the mouth resulting in 98% absorption.

Absoption rates for:
Pills..............  5%
Gell Capsul.... 20%
Liquid Juice.... 58%
Vortex Spray.. 98%

Watch Video.
Mission Statement
       "Significantly improve the world".       End mission statement.

Too many things we humans do are wrong but we continue to do them.  As individuals we learn from our mistakes, as the human race we don't. 

We do things just because everyone else has in the past.   We've taken "don't re-invent the wheel" too far.  We are being damaged in significant ways because of this attitude.   As this site matures, new things that need re-inventing will be added below:
  1. How we get married is not smart.   Read: "SMART WAY TO MARRIAGE"
  2. How we make money is by taking advantage of others.  Read: "SMART WAY TO MONEY"
  3. How we get educated is backwards.   Read:  "SMART WAY TO EDUCATE"

The elevator - It's against the law to smoke in an elevator now, but it wasn't only a few years ago.  Who put an ashtray in the elevator anyway?  An engineer.  What did it do?   It gave people the permission to smoke in an elevator.  The average person would otherwise put his cigarette out before walking into an elevator (even if he's alone).  Since the ashtray was built into the elevator, people would actually walk into a crowded elevator with a lit cigarette and no one would say a thing.

We allow someone with no authority (the engineer) to make such a difference in what's OK and what's not OK to do.   We act like a bunch of sheep.

Goal: Bring solutions to important things that we do wrong which cause significant damage to us, and yet we continue to make the same mistake and teach the same to our children.  With your help I want to break this chain reaction in the human race.

My name is Behtaj Baruch Amiri.  I founded this site because my unrealistic-fantasy at age 7 was to save the world and to my surprise it
has become realistic now.  I remember the day when it all started.  I was 7 years old sitting in the back yard.  A neighbor from upstairs threw away the end of a cigarette.  I tried it and my journey started from that moment.  It was more than just a learning experience that I never want to be a smoker, I connected that to the fantasy thought of things people do that's bad for them, but they keep doing them, why they do them and my desire to save the world like a hero.  As I grew older the desire stayed with me but I very clearly understood how crazy it was, so I kept it to myself. 

As a young adult I worked as a systems analyst.  Over the years, I developed an analytic approach to humans and our interaction with each other.  I found we don't learn from our mistakes as a group, and this has become the focus of my mission to "
Significantly improve the world".

News of a mother throwing her newborn into a dumpster for dead; or a couple who decide to take the lives of their children and then kill themselves; why marriage gets worse every generation while other disciplines such as how surgery is done, how we go to space, or how construction is done, all without exception get better every generation.  The world's economic problems, why people do bad things, greed, the unwillingness of people to help their fellow man, and even war.  By extrapolating back in time I found the root cause of all these issues end in three major categories of our lives.  1.  How we get married,  2.  How we make money, and 3.  How we educate.

There is strong synergy between these three matters.  The world will heal or be further damaged based on what we do in these three aspects of human existence.  The focus of this site is to bring the world's attention to this via logical analysis, error correction suggestions, and invite the world's leading experts and the rest of human kind to come and help kick this ball higher than I ever could alone.  Please invite others to come and get awareness of the concepts presented and join in discussion in our Blog.

Please help this site:
  • Send others to WeFree.Us
  • Share your talents.
    • Are you a Writer?
    • Are you a Lawyer?
    • Are you a Webmaster?
    • Are you in the mental health field?
    • Are you a business expert?
    • Do you head a fund raising organization such as a temple, church, school or alike?  We can help you raise more funds faster and much easier.  You can help heal the world by bringing more awareness to by sharing it with your members.  We can help each other.  Together we can heal the world and bring in a significant amount funds into your organization.  BELIEVE it.
    • .... everyone is talented in something, we can use your help.
To get involved, call me direct: 424-222-3331  or email
The following activities are the best way I can spend my time.  Please review them and see if you can help put any on my schedule.  I give my time free of charge.
  1. Speak to the whole student body of high schools. This is not religion, it's ethics and is missing in our schools.
  2. Attend radio and TV talk shows as a guest.
  3. Speak to large groups of mental health experts or clergy.
  4. Help organization raise funds easier and faster while making the world better.
  5. ..... you get the idea.  Make up your own group and plug me in.

HIS elite servant,
Behtaj Baruch Amiri

Founder: www.WeFree.Us
Cell (424)222-3331
(I'm receiving spam calls. Please text me your full name, eMail & phone, and I will call you back)

"It's easy to improve.  It's hard not to"

The We Free Us mission is the most important thing in my life.  More important than my life, even the lives of those I love dealry.  I don't have a choice but to feel this way because I've discovered how to "Significantly Improve the World" (G-D willing).  It's as certain for me as 2+2=4.  My life has been devastated as a result, but nothing will stop me.  Please help by sharing this mission with everyone in your email contact list, FaceBook and other contacts by sending them these domains:

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