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Academy Award Winning Editor Destroys 3-D
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

By: MrDisgusting
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With more and more movies being released in 3-D, the debate continues as to if the format is not only sustainable, but also worthwhile - not to mention if there's a real benefit beyond charging extra for a ticket. Academy Award winning editor Walter Murch has just slammed the breaks on the debate, and can probably be seen in the comfort of his home with both arms raised in the air in victory. Murch, the most respected film editor and sound designer in the modern cinema, wrote film critic Roger Ebert a letter explaining why 3-D is a joke, thus ending the decade-long debate. "They are doing something that 600 million years of evolution never prepared them for. This is a deep problem, which no amount of technical tweaking can fix." Click the link to read what he's talking about and then chime in below with your thoughts.

Source: Roger Ebert

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Read 30 User Comments

1:24pm, January 26, 2011

the letter was a little technical for me but i agree that 3D is completely out of hand and in too many cases it's being used (like in SAW 3D for example) simply as a rip off to charge more $ per ticket. i'll be very happy when/if 3D dies or at least is quelled greatly.

1:35pm, January 26, 2011

Totally agree with you on 3D, djblack1313. It was cool when I saw My Bloody Valentine in 3D, but damn, not every freaking movie has to be released this way. Also, the letter was kinda tough to understand at times (what the feck is "strobing"?), but I think what he was saying towards the end is that instead of focusing on a fixed point in space with a 2D movie (just focusing on the theater screen), 3D effects force our eyes to switch from the 2D screen (background) to a raised/projected image (foreground) at a rate that's so constant and rapid that it can be mentally exhausting. It's like if you hold your hand out in front of you and look at that, then look at the wall behind it, then back at your hand, back and forth while both things are also moving (this is what I took him to be saying, though I could be wrong). Personally, I'd like to see more William Castle effects in theaters than a cavalcade of 3D movies.

1:55pm, January 26, 2011

It's simple. Hollywood loves making money and having 3D in a film means higher ticket prices which means more money earned per person on the film. It has nothing to do with adding value to the experience of the moviegoer or film itself. That's why I always go to the 2D version of a movie (like I did with Saw 7 which is what the 2D version was titled) instead of the 3D version. The sooner the rest of the moving going audience realizes that they're being taken for a spin with 3D, the sooner it will cool off. I can't believe the amount of suckers...I mean people spending thousands of dollars on 3D TV's and bluray players and $200 or more on freakin 3D glasses. It's not worth it at all.

1:56pm, January 26, 2011

I'm really convinced 3D isn't going away, the big tech push is 3D in the home for the next few years. If you love it or hate it, as for right now its the technological focus.

2:02pm, January 26, 2011

i also agree with ya djblack. thats why i dont go to see horror flicks anymore at theatres. bc it is getting rediculous. plus my hubby has health problems that has to deal with 3d crap. and his health is more important.

2:06pm, January 26, 2011

a perfect example of strobing is the shot right before the opening trap in saw 3D. after the title sequence, we see a shot of a large public space with hundreds of people walking around. the camera moves horizontally (and quickly, i might add - exactly what murch says it shouldn't be doing) toward the glass box where the saw game is about to start... and now instead of seeing people moving we just see what appear to be incredibly blurry still frames. it looks terrible, and there's nothing you can do about it. i've hated the 3D thing from the start, and i was pissed that the only options for seeing saw VII in my area were in 3D. oh well, that movie still ruled. can't wait for the 2D dvd!

Ghost Prototype
2:51pm, January 26, 2011

Maybe this will help speed along the process of 3D being phased out...again! I once again echo my sentiments: FUCK 3D!

2:52pm, January 26, 2011

I love this. 3-D is fine on occasion, but it's getting waaaay out of hand. H'wood execs need to cool it.

christopher johnson
3:18pm, January 26, 2011

That's a rubbish article. Just because that guy gets headaches watching 3D doesn't mean all of us do. 3D might look slightly strange, but it's no more annoying than a DVD that skips or a damaged VHS tape.

3:19pm, January 26, 2011

I wouldn't really agree that his argument destroys the debate, as we can see people are still debating it on here. And although his technical expertise has to be respected he ultimately says it doesn't work and that our eyes aren't ready for it. If this is the case why have I really enjoyed watching some of the 3d movies I've seen? sure there are moments where things aren't registering properly in my vision, but I get the same problem with choppy editing in 2d movies i.e anything by Tony Scott or Michael Bay. I do however think it's a shame the some films are being solely released in 3D, people should be given the choice.

3:27pm, January 26, 2011

FrenchFryGuy i see your point %100 but in my city (for example) SAW 3D was ONLY shown in 3D. there was no theater remotely nearby showing it in 2D. i'd have less problem with 3D if theaters ALWAYS gave us the option of both formats. i still think that director's/writers are distracted when they are shooting in 3D. they are concerned more (it seems) on how this shot or that shot will look in 3D, when they should be more concerned on story/pacing/acting/etc.....just sayin'. :)

4:12pm, January 26, 2011

Am I the only person old enough to remember the 3D wave of the 80's? There was all this clamour then about how it was going to transform television and cinema. It gave people headaches after a while and was too self aware on-screen. People got sick of it and it disappeared, again. It popped up heavy in the 50's, the 80's, and now the 10's. Its like the XBOX KINECT. Its sick, here or there, but for EVERY game? No. No way.

Accident with power tools
4:17pm, January 26, 2011

there is a sell out issue- but also a fun issue... this is a horror sight we all love some shit films that work well in our genre, that can be applied her- 3D can be fun and exciting and gross and funny........ but it can be a rip off and reck a fine film.... the bubble will burst which in some ways is a shame, a FEW 3D films a year would be fun, but it is over kill at the moment.... And if a film was designed to be in 3D then we should see it in 3D (thats a different argument to seeing all films released in 3D)

6:06pm, January 26, 2011

that letter, along ith 3D, gave me a headache. But he just put it very technically. We all already basically knew that 3D sucks dick. I don't care if it was filmed in 3D or later converted. Don't care, don't want it in any form and I really don't ever plan on paying for it ever again.

6:21pm, January 26, 2011

Wonder what James Cameron has to say about this ? hahhahahahaha.

6:36pm, January 26, 2011

I agree with the article, and while it was a little too technical, someone needs to say it dammit. 3D is a novelty at best.... for about 30 seconds. As far as spending a couple of grand for a TV that's gonna give me a headache before I have even watched an entire show is just bullshit. What I want to know, what fucktard keeps buying movie tickets for these 3D movies!?? As far as I know, NOBODY enjoys 3D movies (atleast I haven't met anyone that does) yet they keep making movies in 3D which means someone is buying tix. IDIOTS!

7:01pm, January 26, 2011

I DESPISE 3D, it is absolutely the worst thing to happen to cinema, its even worse then the remake of Prom Night (which they probably would have made in 3D). I don't even notice a difference between 3D and normal kickass 2D.

7:08pm, January 26, 2011

I love 3d!!!! Can't say I have seen alot of successful lookin 3d movies , but I still love the idea and I will always give a movie a shot as long as it's not post converted

7:15pm, January 26, 2011

If the film is planned out in 3D from the beginning, it can probably be done relatively well. All of the last minute conversion stuff has looked like shit. And if it makes sense to have the film in 3D, then that's one thing. I think My Bloody Valentine was a great 3D film, because it was kind of cheesy and silly and it was planned that way from the beginning. But it's definitely true that there are too many 3D films coming out that are making it over kill.

7:54pm, January 26, 2011

I agree with him. 3-D doesn't even "work". The only time it really works is with something small on screen like a snowflake or with text. Everything else doesn't work. I'm really tired of 3-D like a lot of you. I'll welcome it as soon as it works the way it's supposed to. Until then, please go away, 3-D!

10:08pm, January 26, 2011

I partly agree with Walter, although for some reason it doesn't give me a headache unless it's the oldschool red and green/blue glasses. Post conversion is cheap and I have seen one film done this way Piranha 3D. It wasn't a smart choice and I only truly had 3D experiences with My Bloody Valentine and the snow in the new A Christmas Carol.

11:22pm, January 26, 2011

please stop the 3d shit i agree. with the combination of high prices and the annoyance of wearing 3d glasses and dirty 3-d glasses for imax 3d i'm now avoiding films in 3-D unless i reallyw anna see it and its absolutely necessary. i'd be a liar however if i said i didnt have a hell of a time with my bloody valentine 3-d but everythign else was just fine in 2d

11:45pm, January 26, 2011

Very good letter. I never liked 3D or the huge hype surrounding it. It's cute and fun, but it'll die out just like it did in the 80's. They thought it'd stay too.

12:13am, January 27, 2011


12:52am, January 27, 2011

I really enjoy 3D movies, but I agree that it's becoming over used. I don't understand all the complaints though. It does tint the picture a little, but hardly enough to bother me...and I've NEVER had a headache from one either. The mentioned flickering? Nada. I do agree that the prices are usually crazy though, but in all, I thought the article was written by a whiny man-bitch who's just trying to get back into whatever spotlight he can.

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