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Posts Tagged ‘content ideas’

Here’s to a Glorious Affiliate Marketing Filled 2011

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011
Make 2011 your best affiliate year yet...

Make 2011 your best affiliate year yet...

Firstly, happy new year to you all! We hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are now ready to get back into the swing of things? Shopzilla certainly is and we’re on hand to help out with any questions you may have on the API, FTP Data Feeds, dynamic banners or our affiliate program itself.

Promotions to watch out for in the next few months:

Valentine’s Day - February 14th

Pancake Day - March 8th

Comic Relief - March 18th

Mother’s Day - April 3rd

Easter buys and holiday essentials - April 22nd & 25th

Royal Wedding - April 29th (see our post on sapphire engagement rings!)

Keep an eye out for updates on the Publisher blog and handy hints for content and banners to include on your site. Also, have a look at our affiliate resolutions blog post from 2010 for new-found inspiration this year.

Let us know if you have any questions and as always, good quality content often makes for good quality traffic!

Once again a very happy new year to you all and here’s to a prosperous 2011!

Finding a Niche for Your Content Site

Thursday, February 18th, 2010
Searching for a niche?

Searching for a niche?

How do you choose which niche to promote? And how do you find a successful one?

The best piece of advice we have seen so far is this: write about what interests you.

Affiliates often find that the content needed for creating a successful website can be a slow slog and is often difficult to keep constant (check out our post on Overcoming Writer’s Block for ideas on how to inspire fresh content). So, if you start with a niche in which you’re already interested, one of your hobbies perhaps (?), then without realising it you already have that much needed content. If, for example, you’re a golf addict who likes nothing better than to spend a Sunday on the course, blog about your games and offer tips for better play or advice on which clubs to buy.

As for choosing a successful niche - do some research before jumping in; search Google AdWords for a keyword match estimate and see how popular a chosen niche or keyword is. This will also give you ideas for a domain name which, as we know, can be an important part of SEO.

Do some searches on Google to have a look at the types of sites that appear in the search results for any one, or a combination, of keyword (s). You’ll know what you’re up against then.

If you’ve still no idea what you want to write about, get creative and think about what people look for these days. Can you answer a question for your readers? Can you provide information on a subject for which there’s not much information available on the net? Get talking. The more you talk to others, the more likely you are to find that niche you’ve been looking for.

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