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Public Employee Salaries

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New Feature: Click on someone's name to see additional information.
Name Position Organization Hourly Annual
Substitute Jordan Schools - $69,330
Substitute Jordan Schools - $58,776
Substitute Jordan Schools - $52,449
Substitute Jordan Schools - $50,312
Substitute Jordan Schools - $49,910
Substitute Murray Schools - $39,682
Substitute Jordan Schools - $38,049
Substitute Jordan Schools - $37,867
Substitute Jordan Schools - $37,446
Substitute Jordan Schools - $35,966
Substitute Jordan Schools - $29,909
Substitute North Sanpete Schools - $29,044
Substitute Jordan Schools - $27,987
Substitute Jordan Schools - $27,004
Substitute Jordan Schools - $25,546
Substitute Jordan Schools - $25,374
Substitute Jordan Schools - $25,135
Substitute Jordan Schools - $24,911
Substitute Jordan Schools - $23,241
Substitute North Sanpete Schools - $22,874
Substitute Jordan Schools - $22,604
Substitute Jordan Schools - $21,370
Substitute Jordan Schools - $21,361
Substitute Jordan Schools - $21,001
Substitute Jordan Schools - $20,968
Substitute Channing Hall Charter - $20,661
Substitute Jordan Schools - $20,524
Substitute Jordan Schools - $19,991
Substitute Utah College of Applied Technology - $19,304
Substitute Jordan Schools - $19,151
Substitute Jordan Schools - $18,611
Substitute Jordan Schools - $18,234
Substitute Jordan Schools - $17,572
Substitute Uintah River High School Charter School - $17,405
Substitute Jordan Schools - $16,801
Substitute Jordan Schools - $16,720
Substitute Jordan Schools - $15,764
Substitute Jordan Schools - $15,718
Substitute Jordan Schools - $15,422
Substitute Jordan Schools - $15,300
Substitute Jordan Schools - $15,255
Substitute Jordan Schools - $15,180
Substitute Jordan Schools - $15,140
Substitute Jordan Schools - $14,993
Substitute Jordan Schools - $14,927
Substitute Jordan Schools - $14,806
Substitute Jordan Schools - $14,759
Substitute Jordan Schools - $14,596
Substitute Jordan Schools - $14,414
Substitute Jordan Schools - $14,062
Results Found - 2,346
Displaying - 1 thru 50
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