Page last updated at 18:42 GMT, Friday, 6 February 2009

Actor Bale speaks out over rant

Christian Bale
Bale has signed up to star in three Terminator movies

Film star Christian Bale has called a US radio station to apologise for a tirade which was leaked onto the internet, calling it "inexcusable".

The actor spoke to Los Angeles-based station KROQ, and admitted that "I acted like a punk".

He added: "I was out of order beyond belief. I make no excuses for it."

Bale, 35, launched into his three-minute rant on the set of his new film Terminator Salvation when a crew member walked into his eye-line during a take.

He was heard screaming threats and swearing at Shane Hurlbut, who was in charge of the film's photography.

'Resolved completely'

Speaking to presenters Kevin Ryder and Gene "Bean" Baxter, an embarrassed Bale admitted he had taken things too far.

He said: "The thing that disturbs me so much is that I've heard a lot of people saying that I seem to think that I'm better than anybody else.

"Nothing could be further from the truth. I am a very lucky and that is why I put so much into what I do, and why I care so much about it and why sometimes my enthusiasm just goes awry."

Christian Bale in Terminator: Salvation
Bale plays freedom fighter John Connor in Terminator: Salvation

In the new movie, Bale plays the main character John Connor who is battling to save humans in the future being wiped out by robots.

Bale insisted the scene that was interrupted was key to the story and he was "trying to convey" the madness his character had inherited from his mother, Sarah Connor, from 1991's hit movie Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

He said: "I completely mixed up fact and fiction, I'm half John Connor, I'm half Christian there."

Bale dismissed his threats of getting Hurlbut fired as "hot air" and told the station that they had reconciled since the showdown.

He said: "I've not only talked with him, we have resolved this completely.

"That very day we kept working for a number of hours. And we worked together for at least a month after that. There is no problem whatsoever.

"I've seen a rough cut of the movie and he has done a wonderful job. It looks fantastic," added the star.

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