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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Education Life

Ingram Publishing

Can the MCAT identify that ethereal mix of scientist, humanist and spiritualist that makes a good doctor?

A Second Opinion: The Post-Baccalaureate

For older students, post-bac programs can resuscitate, or initiate, dreams of practicing medicine. But medical training is a long, risky journey.

When a Hazing Goes Very Wrong

“The purpose is to tie up the brother and get him drunk,” said George Desdunes’s roommate at Cornell. “It was meant to be fun,” said one of the pledges. Then lives were destroyed.

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At Age 19, From Utah to Uganda

For many Mormon college students, there’s a different rite of passage: spreading the word, cut off from home and virtually all earthly pleasures.

German in a Multicultural World

The study of German language in this country has declined. Educators point to interest in Mandarin and a lack of interest among minority students.

Truly Food for Thought

Colleges and universities have come to realize that the classic food disciplines simply will not do anymore.

Selling the Campus Farm

Students are developing product lines for high-end tastes, and trying to turn their campus acreage into profit centers.


When the Calculator Says 1 + 1 = 4

The new “net price calculators” are supposed to tell you what college will really cost. But like all things in their infancy, there are growing pains.


The Bottom Lines

“Net price” is the new catch phrase in discussions of college cost. Find out which colleges, public and private, have the highest average net price and which have the lowest.

The Choice

Whose Offer Is Sweetest?

Expert advice on comparing financial aid award letters.

Grad School

Failure Is Not an Option

Maybe because they’re older or they’re given a slide, few graduate students flunk out.


Apps for Navigating Campus Life

How do I get to LC101 from here? Where can I get food right now?


How to Be a Better Test-Taker

Don’t choke on those final exams. Tips to free up working memory when you’re caught in the grips of test anxiety.

Q & A

Where Your Money Goes

Jane Wellman, a college-cost oracle, talks about tuition, salaries and college vs. prison.


Upward-Facing Soldier

Students at a military college learn to breathe deep, and how to remain calm in the face of chaos and war and the death of a buddy.

Pop Quiz

Interactive Feature: The New MCAT

In February, the Association of American Medical Colleges approved an overhaul of the MCAT, due in 2015. New sections will stress the psychological and social dimensions of medicine.

Study Abroad, Mormon Style

Mormon college students pause their studies to serve in missions. It’s a real education.

Photo Booth
Your College Experience

With graduation around the corner, we invited students to send photos they’ll put on their memory shelf.

Submit Your Back-to-School Photos

Share a photograph that says back to school to you, and tell us why.


Graduating, Cum Latte

Here’s a form to help you write that commencement address. Live or via Twitter? A la Oprah or Conan?


Socially Out There

At Rollins, clubs that make you laugh, and let you be shy.

Now, Deduct This

New tax breaks for college courses during high school.

Educating Olympians

Official (product here) of Team U.S.A.


De-Triple [d-trip-uhl]: verb, -pled, -pling

Must-know terminology.


Graphic: Student Churn

New research on how college students transfer.



Musings from Twitter users.

The Choice Blog
The Choice

A blog examining all facets of college and university admissions.
