



The origin of the First Historical Archives can be traced back to the Document Section of the Library of the Palace Museum established on October 10th 1925. In June 1927, the Document Section was renamed Section of Archival Curatorship. It was changed back to Document Bureau in October 1928 and called Archives in May 1951. It first got its name of the First Historical Archives in December 1955, when Palace Museum and its Archives were put under the State Archives Administration. It was incorporated into the Central Archives in October 1959 as the Department of the Ming & Qing Dynasty Archives. At the end of 1969, it was subordinated to the Palace Museum again. In April 1980, the First Historical Archives of China was formally established and currently it is a cultural institution directly under the jurisdiction of the State Archives Administration of China.

---中国第一历史档案馆版权所有 Copyright 2004---
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