Research Means Business.

There is a right way to conduct research to grow your market share and a wrong way. Unless you are asking the right questions, your research will fail.

Resultant Research

2012 Beer Market Study

With market share ripe for the taking, few beers are using brand to effectively drive preference.


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Stealing Share Recent News

Stealing Share cited in article regarding cross-promotion by brands

From: The Globe And Mail "We interrupt this ad to bring you...... [more]


Contrary to what another brand companies might tell you, you do not build consumer preference and steal market share through value propositions and business best practices. For those who believe in those worn out ideas from a long ago age, Stealing Share is not the brand company for you.

However, if you are looking for brand consultants to truly steal market share from the competition, then you need a brand company like Stealing Share. We are the only global brand company that rebrands companies and products to steal market share and win.


Unlike other brand consultants, Stealing Share knows that customers gain brand preference based on deep-seated emotional beliefs – not rational judgments such as price, quality and effectiveness. They do it by seeing themselves in your brand identity and having it align with those powerful beliefs that drive human behavior. Stealing Share is the only brand company that does this. Everyone else is just an ad agency.

We uncover those beliefs with a proven track record of delving into motivators that make customers switch to your brand. Stealing Share is the only branding company that will identify the important changes your brand and business need to win.

We do this through a combination of qualitative research, quantitative research, a competitive analysis, a strategic evaluation of your brand, an evaluation of the market you compete in and by uncovering the trends that drive that brand market. Once that picture is complete, our branding consultants empower your brand to steal market share. No other branding company does this. No other brand company even considers it.


It's not enough to have a pretty logo or brand messages that promote product benefits. You can get that from any ad agency. You will demand more from our brand consultants.

A branding firm like Stealing Share gives you single-minded brand positioning from which everything else flows, including sales training and market-changing decisions. Our brand consultants and brand strategists promise you actionable marketing strategy, brand messaging, creative executions and a brand mission all designed to steal market share.

Customers make final buying decisions based on deep-seated emotional beliefs - not rational judgments. Stealing Share branding consultants uncovers these beliefs with a proven scientific approach that delves into the fears and motivators that make audiences switch to your brand. So powerful are these triggers that, once you own them, no other brand company can use them with the same legitimacy.

It is our ability to provide the tools and clarity of message beyond the customer findings that makes Stealing Share different. More than just brand consultants. We are change agents.

We invite you to read on and to call us for more information. An hour with us will change everything about how you see your customer and how to increase your market share. ·