

by submission

Image Text: I need a lawn, so I can yell at kids to stay off it.

This explanation is by Harm. Harm is a reader of xkcd and explainxkcd. Harm writes explanations. Harm wrote that sentence mentioning that he writes explanations. Harm didn't write the previous sentence.

This comic references the custom ring tones that most cell phones have. While the classic phone made a simple ringing sound, most people tend to change their tones to that of music, sound effects, or quotes (though the simple "buzzing" has grown more popular since this comic was written). Most of the time, these sounds are annoying to everyone within ear-shot except for the receiver.

Since most phones can have a different tone for each potential caller, this can serve as an identifier without having to look at the phone.

The image text pokes fun at the fact that the classic ringing is outdated, and references stereotypical old men that yell at children to stay off of their lawn.

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  1. Ah, stupid ring tones, the downside od cheap mass storage in cell phones…

    But honestly, I feel most of them are not more annoying than the persons who own the ringing phones. They are just ridiculous, and they suggest that these persons have to compensate for something.

  2. this is a comic in the style of a softer world


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