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Bethesda’s Dishonored Trailer Is Stunning



Published: 15:14, 17/04/2012 by Peter [Colossalblue].
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No need for words, just watch this amazing trailer for Bethesda’s upcoming first person action game, Dishonored, which we kinda spoiled a little bit with our earlier scoop.

You can play the game in a number of ways, mixing stealth with assassin’s gadgets or all out blazing action. There’s no solid release date yet but it is due sometime this year. I can’t wait.

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  1. Looks great…Bugthesda has me skeptical to say the least though.

    I’ll be keeping an eye on this for sure.

    • My thoughts exactly. Looks impressive but Bethesda’s track record for bugs is scary to say the least.

      • Well, it’s not Bethesda developing, but some French studio, so I’m not expecting bugs.

        Maybe some frogs, but no bugs.

      • Ditto for awesome looking reveals, I’m looking at you Brink.

  2. I like this a lot!

    At parts it looked like an Assassins Creed set in 18th/19th century London.

    I was interested in this before but now I’m excited :).

    • I was thinking Assassin’s Creed meets BioShock.

  3. is this on ps360? I can only play Bethesda RPG, I struggle with other rpg games

  4. Wooooooow that looks amazing! Steampunk Creed

  5. I refuse to get excited by a pre rendered trailer that is not an indication of how the game will play or what it will look like.

    It might set the tone of the game but that’s it. Pretty much useless, might as well show me an advert for Coco pops.

    I’ve had enough of stunning prerendered trailers followed by games that no where near as good.

    • I’d vote that up, if the voting button hadn’t of disappeared.

    • “I’ve had enough of stunning prerendered trailers followed by games that no where near as good”
      The trailer for RE:ORC is a perfect example of this.

      • Dead Island says hello.

    • I think this kind of trailer is much more interesting because it shows the tone and style that they’re aiming for. Gameplay will be interesting too, because it will show mechanics but as a first trailer, I’d much rather see something like this that shows how they want a game to /feel/ rather than how they want me to play it.

      • Yes and the Dead Island trailer showed us the tone and style of.. the.. oh wait…

        Simple fact is this could be completely bollocks and nothing like the game.

      • To be fair, if they’d have never made the Dead Island trailer, we never would have gotten to see the Dead Island trailer… obviously. Sure the game wasn’t great but at least we got a cool video out of it.

        As long as I enjoy it, I don’t particularly care, just gotta keep expectations in check.

      • I agree.

        When I see them these days, I still think back to the Diablo 2 videos….nothing like the game (which was brilliant too), but they were stunning and really set the tone for the game.

        Obviously there are crap ones out there that have seemingly no correlation to the game, but when it’s done right, these kind of trailers get/hold my interest far more than your usual in-game shots with some cool music.


      There you go TC – Ask & ye shall receive!

      • Haha, I used to love those adverts and had completely forgotten about them!
        Good find.

  6. From what I saw it looks like a rip-off of assassins creed with added superpowers >.>

  7. Wonder if it’s on PS3 & if it is whether Bethesda will spend more than 5mins giving it the once over before releasing it.

    Can’t believe people still lap up what they’re peddling. Also, CG only ho hum

    • I just couldn’t care who publishes the games that I purchase, it’s never something that determines my decision on buying a game. Also if it did matter to me, on the platform that I play on (PC), Bethesda games have a great reputation. Either way though, judging my purchase on the publisher is definitely a place I never want top find myself in my gaming hobby. I just want fun and innovation.

      • They don’t on PS3, which is why I mentioned PS3 in my comment & not PC.

      • I was referring to your cant believe people still lap up what they’re peddling part rather than your first part about the PS3. If it wasn’t on PC id buy it on PS3 anyway though (after i’ve waited to hear reception and read reviews).

      • Reviews have never mentioned all the game breaking faults in previous Bethesda PS3 games that just don’t exist in their PC or 360 versions.

        Whilst people reward the consistently shitty 3rd class treatment with their money, there’s no incentive for them to improve.

    • Me too. Played the Bethesda Fallout games on PS3 and didn’t have half as many problems as the collected millions on YouTube managed to find. Skyrim sounded like a poor port on PS3, although plenty of PS3 owners still said it was the best game of last year.

      I had more game-breaking bugs on PS3 in Killzone 2 and Uncharted 3 than I ever saw in Fallout 3 or New Vegas, for example, and those are first party – supposedly the cream of the crop. I think it gets blown out of proportion a little bit (with the possible exception of Skyrim bugs). A lot of people make jokes and moan about it without ever having experienced it, for example.

      • Ah, the sheep effect. :)

        In fairness, i am kinda of the same opinion as you cb – Played Fallout 3 to death (180 something hours in the end if i recall) & all i ever had was the odd freeze here & there requiring a quick reset. Annoying, but not something that made me want to run to the nearest internet portal & preach how Bethesda should never be trusted with your children.

        I haven’t played anywhere near the same amount of New Vegas as i did FO3, but i can say that i haven’t seen anything to write home about in my time with that either.

      • No sheep effect needed when your source is the one of, if not the most respected analyser of such things there is.

        YouTube vids can show any glitch for any game I’d ignore them, just as much as a CG ‘trailer’ but proper analysis with facts, you can’t ignore those.

      • Sorry cc, i think you have missed the point – What i was referring to (in response to what cb said) was the fact that people just generally jump on the bandwagon complaining about stuff without actually having tested the waters themselves. That in itself isn’t good judgement.

        No point having a moan about something if it hasn’t affected you personally as far as i am concerned.

      • “the fact that people just generally jump on the bandwagon complaining about stuff without actually having tested the waters themselves”

        I’m not a beta tester. If I hear a product is broken for half of the gaming population on my console of choice then I just don’t feel like taking that chance to “test the water” which apparently crashed some consoles after a recent patch if I remember correctly…

      • Yeah, but likewise i would like to think that you wouldn’t be moaning about the bugs that you haven’t encountered on forums & the like, as so many generally do these days.

        It’s fine to avoid a title if it is reported to be buggy, that is your choice (& probably a sensible one depending on the severity of the bug in question), but someone really shouldn’t moan about bugs that haven’t affected them in any way. Whats the point?

        Moaning for the sake of moaning basically isn’t it?

    • I agree with cc here. Why try anything from Bugthesda again? Bit like I watched Titanic from James Cameron which was pants, so I refuse to watch any of his other cr@p like Aliens, Terminator2 – no point.

      • You might just get away with saying something against Cameron, just… but ‘Aliens’…??? How dare you…???

      • Aliens and T2 rocked but Cameron can go die in a fire for all i care for his depiction in Titanic of First Officer Will Murdoch, a genuine hero of the tragedy reduced to shooting two people and then himself, the sheer level of his disrespect was compounded by his comments on a recent documentary on History where he said “i wouldnt change anything in my movie, the little things i got wrong are things only 8 people in the world care about”.
        Utter bastard.

      • ” Aliens and T2 rocked but Cameron can go die in a fire for all i care ” you my friend sound like a person seriously lacking in life skills. sit and think for a minute about your comment then a trip to your local burns unit would do you the world of good.

      • i love you too man xx

  8. Blah, blah, blah, sorry Bethesda I’m not even going to bother looking at your new games now. I’m sure this will be a buggy mess like all your games before it.

  9. looks great, be waiting for some gameplay first before thinking of pre-ordering or even buying.

  10. Wow people are such cry babies about bugs, I met quite a lot of bugs along the way with Bethesda games (and other games) but that has never ruined a game for me, I had a game crippling glitch with Markarth so I just started a new slot because I loved the game.

    This game looks amazing to me, I’ve been following this game since I first read an article on it months and months ago, I love what I’ve seen of the universe of this game, the magic and combinations you can do in this sound awesome. I do like this video but I really want to see gameplay, but I’m content with this video as long as they don’t make us wait too long now.

    • Same here. Enjoy the trailer but go in with a healthy mix of cynicism and hope. We’ll see when we see. End of discussion.

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