PS Vita Gets Paint Games

PlayStation Vita is getting a sketch pad app in the shape of ‘Paint Park’. Using the touchscreen, you can sketch and paint and also use the cameras to import pictures.

Apparently the experience can be ‘socially rewarding’ (cringe) as artists can share their work and compete with up to five friends in the multiplayer via Ad Hoc mode.

Possibly of more interest will be ‘Treasure Park,’ arriving this summer. This will allow Vita owners to create puzzles and challenge their friends to guess the answer.

We did not ask Sony if they were inspired by any other games but if we did insist on Something like that I’m sure they would not be Drawn to an answer.

Both of the applications will be free and will be joined by the rather bizarre ‘Wake Up Club’. 

‘This application turns your PS Vita into an alarm clock that can sync up with other PS Vita users who set their alarm for the same time’ say Sony. ‘And the point of that is..?’ asks everyone else.

Source: EU PS Blog


  1. What a horrible logo.

  2. nice looking forward to see what the PSN App store brings as well.

  3. Undecided.

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