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Download Evidence Smart? V3.7 for Windows

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Download and Installation Instructions

To download and install Evidence Smart please follow these instructions below.

  1. The file will automatically popup over your PC screen.
  2. When the File Download dialog box appears click the ?Save? button.

    Download Evidence Smart Free!

  3. When the Save As dialog box appears choose a folder location and save the file to a location on your computer, for example, to your Desktop.
  4. Wait for the file to download; then close all applications including the browser.
  5. Double-click on the saved file icon to start the installation process.

  6. Follow the descriptions within the installer to complete the installation. For more detailed instructions on this process please click here.

Evidence Smart? is a registered trademark in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Certified Download

  • Microsoft Partner Program
  • Evidence Smart Awards
  • Evidence Smart Awards

Don't take our word for it...

Evidence Smart is fantastic! It is capable of cleaning the tracks of dozens of popular applications. There is always something you don?t want to share with others, even your family or closest friends. But there is no guarantee that they will not access to your information-at least I think so. Evidence Smart cuts off the access. I really love it. It deletes what I can?t delete completely and removes my internet history. My personal information is safe with whatever surrounding.
-John Norton, Chicago, US

What your great product impresses me is not only its perfect deletion, but also the dedicated service. I have used programs of this kind, but they seemed to cause some problems. I don't know whether it is because my own system or not. But I now use Evidence Smart with out any difficulty or problem. It is a safe and nice program which help me clean up my file completely. And it is a good protection of privacy. You guys help me so much. Thank you!
-John Burns, Edinburgh, UK

Evidence Smart really helps me a lot. I used to have such a bad experience that I was tracked by some hacker. This may be caused by the leak of personal information or some malicious cookies. I don't know exactly. Anyway, privacy being offended is really bad. Your program does a wonderful job removing traces and what I've deleted with Evidence Smart is irreversible. So no one will get the access to those deleted files. Evidence Smart brings me sense of security
-Jenny Johnson, Boston, US

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