


New comics every Tuesday & Thursday

Tales from the Trenches

A Lucky Break

If I got anything meaningful out of my time in QA, it was that it reminded me of what I didn’t want my life to become.

Stuffed into rows with the other cogs doing mindless work, OT with no end in sight, and being “whored out” to other titles that needed extra peons. Day in and day out, I was sitting there in those drab little rows wanting to run screaming out of the place.

I was a girl from an animation background doing work I felt was beneath me. For someone who thrives on creativity, you could not pick a job further from that.

In a fit of madness and pure desperation, painfully shy little me managed to secure a lunch meetup with the man who was truly my savior. He was a character animator for the title I tested and he ended up being my greatest supporter and mentor to this day.

He helped me get a position doing character animation and has shared with me a wealth of knowledge in the field.

If you know what you want and you fight tooth and nail for it, there are good people out there who will notice.