“Highly Unusual”: Authorities demand stop to construction of new reactors — Officials worried releases of gas and toxic liquids will severely affect nearby residents -Chinese Media

Telegraph: Accident at China nuclear reactor says Japan gov’t — Alarm over prospect of radiation leak — Uses highly enriched uranium Cover-up denied

Argentum-110m detected in marine life: China researchers — All water samples contain strontium-90

Xinhua: Gov’t says “waters in China have been affected by the radioactive materials” from Fukushima — Contamination levels higher than what Japan claims

Three earless rabbits born in China — Mother used to give normal birth, only this time the newborns were different (VIDEO)

China rejects ship from California with “abnormal” radiation — Had only been in Tokyo for a few hours

Reuters, March 29, 2011 at 12:58 am EDT

Person living 170 miles from Fukushima shows “dangerously high radiation levels”

“Experts have so far been unable to explain why their radiation levels were so high as they are not believed to have been close to the stricken plant”