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Dark Strokes: Sins of the Father Review

Suitable for Framing

Dark Strokes: Sins of the Fathers Screenshot

HIGH Extremely creepy villain design.

LOW Having to rely on the hint button because I have no idea what to do next.

WTF So they lived in the same town for twenty years and didn't he realize (SPOILER) was just down the street?

Cool stuff of PAX East 2012

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Screenshot

I knew very little about XCOM before the show, but now it's one of my most anticipated titles. A re-imagining of the classic PC strategy series, Enemy Unknown gave me a very distinct Frozen Synapse vibe, which makes sense since it was itself heavily influenced by the XCOM games. There was no playable demo at the show and the presentation consisted of a pre-beta build, but I liked what I saw and will likely be picking it up when it releases.

Indies and self-promotion

Star Prospector Screenshot

The other day on Twitter, I had a discussion with a friend about being dissatisfied with the current types of games produced by the industry. He countered by saying that there were games in the indie space that filled that need, and that it was important for critics to seek them out and spread word of their existence.

Kickstarter, Binary Domain and Elder Sign: Omens

Wasteland 2 Image

So... Kickstarter. If you're reading this blog, then you are most likely someone who is already in the know, and probably don't need me to explain what it is or how it works. Rather than go into a discussion about the service itself, I just wanted to say that I've backed three projects, and at this point, I don't think I'm very inclined to backing any others until I start seeing some results.

Mass Effect 3: The evitable conflict

Mass Effect 3 Screenshot

The convoluted logic of the Mass Effect trilogy's controversial ending hinges on the idea that sufficiently advanced species will inevitably create artificially intelligent life that will rebel and, if left unchecked, exterminate all organic life in the galaxy. To combat this threat, the Reapers harvest advanced civilizations, giving primitive ones the chance to flourish without being snuffed out in their infancy.

Consoleation: Defensive to a fault

Mass Effect 3 Screenshot

You've undoubtedly heard it by now: Electronic Arts pulled a big upset in The Consumerist's Worst Company in America tournament for 2012, besting favorites Bank of America by a majority vote of nearly two-thirds. While I think that it's telling that a video game company found its way into the voting to begin with, considering all of the potential candidates out there, the end result will change nothing.

Extra Credits: Mass Effect 3 DLC

The guys at Extra Credits have jumped into the Mass Effect 3 Day One DLC kerfuffle. What's great is that it is a measured take on the Mass Effect 3 DLC, as well as DLC in general. Worth a look.

Extra Credits: Mass Effect 3 DLC

Gamecritics After Dark Episode 2: The Mass Effect Show

On the latest episode of After Dark, we take on Mass Effect 3 and the now-infamous ending, share our reflections on the Mass Effect franchise, and have a spirited discussion about sexual relations. Featuring Richard Naik and Brad Gallaway, special guest Michael Cunningham on loan from RPGamer.com, plus a special appearance from Tim "Brett Favre" Spaeth.

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Mass Effect 3: Requiem for the ME Universe

Mass Effect 3 Screenshot

We should have known the conclusion would be trouble. Ending a game like Mass Effect 3 poses a special set of problems, because a central attraction of Western RPGs is that their systems respond to player choice. Mass Effect and its like are the classic case of games that generate stories through collaboration between designer and player. Drawing things to a close, however, requires the hand of the developer to show, often in ways that seem unattractive.

Skyrim: A dirge for the Falmer

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Screenshot

The Falmer are coming. You can hear guards whispering about them in Skyrim's towns. You can encounter them through their attacks on trading caravans or isolated, unlucky outposts. In the journey to Blackreach, if not before, you will encounter the Falmer. Blind and pale, they scurry through the caves beneath Skyrim, clothed and armed with chitin from their hideous insect livestock, communicating in primitive hisses. Considering only these characteristics, it would be easy to dismiss the Falmer as goblins by another name, like Mass Effect's awful Vorcha. However, the fiction surrounding the Falmer positions them as a touchstone for many of Skyrim's main ideas.

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