This website is currently offline. Sorry for the inconvenience.

If you would like to reach me for comment, send me an email.

Update (3/24/2012):

This link will self-destruct.

Update (8/12/2011):

For the past six years, I have been unapologetically expressing my thoughts, ideas, and opinions on Kobra's Corner. Public reaction was always mixed; some laughed, others raged so hard they bled from their eye sockets, and a few even tried (and failed) to hack and take down my website. But a common sentiment in the undertones of a lot of the emails I received was, "We wish more people had the balls to be like you."

Yet for everyone who says that to me, there are probably ten people out there with the conviction and talent to impress and persuade the world. Writers, musicians, artists, video producers, animators, novelists. Potential and realized alike. You just haven't heard of them yet.

A few years ago, I began toying with ways to implement rating and polling systems for online communities that would be resistant to vote-spamming activities, such as the ones that plagued YouTube back in 2008. (I'm looking at you, creationist bastards with hundreds of fake accounts to give 1-star votes to atheist vloggers.)

So to be brief, what I have been working for the past few months is a website focused on the free exchange of ideas, and to promote the free and fair criticism thereof. One of its main features is the Weighted Bayesian Rating System (not to be confused with the original Bayesian Rating System) I wrote about in 2008. The difference being: The more you contribute, the more your votes weigh.

This new website is named OpineHub.

A more extensive list of its features is as follows:

In addition to what's already implemented, I will continue to add new features when there's a demand for them.

OpineHub is not the death of Kobra's Corner; it is the birth of something new. This website will eventually return.

In the meantime, make yourself at home.

Update (7/24/2011):

I had been alluding to, for the past couple of months, a project I've been working on. I haven't gone into great detail about the nature of the project, other than "YouTube's API pisses me off."

I'm anticipating that by August 12 it should be complete. Check back then for either an update, or an excuse for why it isn't done yet.

- Kobra