United States Circumvented Laws To Help Japan Accumulate Tons of Plutonium

Monju Nuclear Power Plant

The United States deliberately allowed Japan access to the United States’ most secret nuclear weapons facilities while it transferred tens of billions of dollars worth of American tax paid research that has allowed Japan to amass 70 tons of weapons grade plutonium since the 1980s, a National Security News Service investigation reveals. These activities repeatedly violated U.S. laws regarding controls of sensitive nuclear materials that could be diverted to weapons programs in Japan. The NSNS investigation found that the United States has known about a secret nuclear weapons program in Japan since the 1960s, according to CIA reports. Continue reading United States Circumvented Laws To Help Japan Accumulate Tons of Plutonium

The Washington Post: The secrets next door

The next series of “Top Secret America”, “The Secrets Next Door”, makes the place we live in appear like a scene from Transformers; where ordinary things you see perform extraordinary functions. The brick warehouse is not just a warehouse. Concealed from your view is a fleet of black SUVs that have the capabilities to withstand explosions and gunfire. The manhole cover between two low-slung buildings is not a manhole cover; it is an access point to a government cable for “top secret information”.

Continue reading The Washington Post: The secrets next door