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These new-generation full-body scanners were installed after the last underwear attack, but it is not yet clear if the modified bomb can pass through them undetected. (Ethan Miller/Getty Images/AFP) 09.05, 01:00 53 comments

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Global terrorism
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Global terrorism

Plastic explosives: Al-Qaeda-trained surgeons put the bomb in suicide bombers

Published: 13 May, 2012, 18:48

AFP Photo / Bertrand Langlois

AFP Photo / Bertrand Langlois

TAGS: Middle East, Terrorism, USA, Planes, Security

The hunt is on for doctors implanting explosives in suicide bombers in Yemen. Security has been stepped up at airports worldwide as surgically-doctored terrorists plot revenge attacks following the one-year anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s death.

The implanted bombs would be undetectable to airport body scanners, dramatically increasing the likelihood of a mid-flight terrorist attack, the Daily mail reports.

Experts say explosive compounds such as PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) could be inserted inside of would-be bombers.

The implanted explosives would then be detonated via injection.

A western security source is quoted by the Sunday Times as saying: “This is a transferable skill and there is still some concern.”

Western intelligence agencies fear doctors are currently working with Al-Qaeda’s chief bomb maker in Yemen, Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, to realize his plans.

The CIA is now racing against the clock to catch the ‘body-bombers’ before they go off.

Al-Asiri’s bomb plots have had a particularly intimate touch in recent years.

He was responsible for sewing a packet of PETN into Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s underwear in the failed 2009 Christmas Day bombing on a US jetliner en route to Detroit. Al-Asiri also shoved a bomb up his brother Abdullah’s rectum in a botched 2009 suicide mission targeting Saudi intelligence chief Prince Muhammad bin Nayef.

Saudi fugitive and bomb maker Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri.(Reuters / Saudi Interior Ministry / Handout)
Saudi fugitive and bomb maker Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri.(Reuters / Saudi Interior Ministry / Handout)

Al-Qaeda in Yemen is considered the group’s most dangerous off-shoot.

A would-be suicide bomber turned double-agent working with the group managed to get his hands on an updated version of al-Asiri’s underwear bomb last week. Saudi spooks planted the agent in al Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate, who convinced his handlers to give him the bomb aimed at bringing down a US-bound flight.

The device is now in the possession of the FBI, which is currently analyzing it.

The latest non-metallic bomb would not set off metal detectors, but could be discovered by body scanners and more thorough security checks.

However, not all US airports are equipped with body scanners.

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Me (unregistered) May 16, 2012, 07:07

Al Qaeda is the subversive arm of the UN aka NWO. You have to have an enemy to have a reason to bomb countries into doing what you want. I find it hard to believe that Russian and Chinese intelligence does not know this.
Is their something in it for them? Or are they letting American capitalists destroy the country on their own.
America is more like a version of the movie, The Truman Show, a scripted
 (un) reality. I live here, I know.

Dora2145 May 16, 2012, 05:49

just as Robin implied I'm amazed that a person able to earn $5615 in one month on the computer. did you see this page>>> ⇛►

OmgOmgIPooOOpEd (unregistered) May 16, 2012, 01:07

Harold Smith (unregistered) wrote in #3 Is this the same "Al-Qaeda" that requires the intervention of U.S. agents to get their would-be suicide bombers on to an international flight without a passport, and without going through security? Is this the same "Al-Qaeda" that makes bombs out of PETN but doesn't know how to detonate them, and doesn't even know enough to test prototype devices beforehand? LOL! Pure Jew-inspired bullsh*t. The whole "story" reeks of Jewish contempt for the Goy intellect.  Why would a real "terrorist" organization attack the most protected targets while lots of infrastructure goes relatively unguarded? Why not let snipers loose in cities or attack power plants or food and water supplies or attack train tracks or even start massive forest fires for that matter? The list is endless. Because the Jews simply can't get over their fixation with "an Arab on an airplane with a bomb" meme, that's why.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terrorists do target civilian targets such as metro during the rush hours, buses, bombs in the markets, etc. Why are they focused on airliners? Imagine a huge airliner crushing in downtown... Why not blow up Nuclear plants? Nuclear plants arn't airoports... they are protected by military, no civilian can enter. Why not poison water supplies? All the water is purified to 99%, killing all bacteries. What about food supplies? Good luck poisoning every apple on the tree. Snipers on the roof? Muslim terrorists are famous for suicide squads, not snipers on the roofs. Why are you blaming Jews? Who knows, it could be also ethic russians or chinese behind world crisis and wars... Everyone making profit on all that is going on around the World, not only Jews... even Dalai Lama counting his millions in his bedroom.