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Attended University of Southern California
Lives in Los Angeles

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I feel like this today. Stupid brain!

Hey +Sai, is there a word for this phenomenon (where your brain tells you to do stupid things for no discernible reason)? Maybe you could even do an episode of +CogSai on the crazy inner dialogues that we have with ourselves.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal »
News: May 05, 2012. WOOB. One more day of ROFLCon, then I'm headed home. Thanks so much to everyone who came to my panel and to SUPER ART FIGHT (where I conquered!) Discuss this comic in the forum...
Zuro Zo
This is even better than What is Love on eight floppy drives :D
Matthew Inman originally shared this post:
Happy Friday, ladies and gentlemen. Let us end this week on a musical note.
These are two gigantic solid state musical Tesla Coils. A Tesla Coil is a special type of transformer invented by Nikola Tesla that is able to generating extremely large voltages using a phenomenon known as electrical resonance. Each coil in this video is capable of generating a 13 foot spark. This equates to about 500,000 volts of electricity. The primary drive system for the coils consists of high power semiconductors arranged into an H-Bridge switching configuration. During a spark event, the coil is pulsed on for a few hundred millionths of a second. During this short time, thousands of amps circulate within the primary tank circuit and the energy is coupled into the secondary resonator through magnetism. So what appears to be a continuous burst of sparks is actually a specific number of sparks generated per second. By modulating the number of sparks that emit from the coil each second, different tones can be produced by the coils. These coils were constructed by Eric Goodchild and Steven Caton. Eric Goodchild is currently an EE student at ASU Polytechnic. His personal website is: Steven Caton is currently an EE student at UCLA His personal website is:
Wayne Radinsky
I love Tesla coil music. This is a good one! I think Mario Bros. is still my favorite, though. Twin Musical Tesla Coils playing Mario Bros
Best summer bucket list ever. :)

I really need to remember to add "have fun" to my own bucket list.
Kimberly Chapman originally shared this post:
About to go do kitchen work to prep for my gummy demo at the Ft. Worth Day of Sharing on Sunday, but let me leave you with what I just found on the kitchen table that Peo did yesterday at school, which I believe is a total #nerdparentingwin :
Wayne Radinsky
The Princess Bride! Wow, that brings back memories!
The Hemingway Papers

Here's a beautifully simple website featuring some of the 70+ original articles written by Ernest Hemingway for the Toronto Star. I love his style. He can make an article about getting a shave worth reading:

“…for a visit to the barber college requires the cold, naked valor of the man who walks clear eyed to death. If you don’t believe it, go to the beginners’ department of the barber’s college and offer yourself for a free shave. I did.”

And here's a great article about the collection:
Roominate: The toy that makes every young girl an artist, an engineer, an architect, and a visionary!

"We know that girls are great at solving, deducing, and experimenting.


- Only 15% of female first-year college students intend to major in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)

- Less than 11% of engineers are women


- Toys for young girls are predominantly dolls and princesses

We think there is a connection."

I think so, too. I also think this looks like fun. :)

via +Karl Hughes
Matt Mastracci originally shared this post:
A cool Kickstarter toy designed to help expose young girls to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) early in life.
Roominate: Make It Yours! »
The toy where every young girl is an artist, engineer, architect and visionary!
Daniel Daniels
Great idea! it will really get them exposed to STEM
Little Free Library

Their mission:
- To promote literacy and the love of reading
- To build a sense of community
- To build more than 2,510 libraries around the world

The unique, personal touch seems to matter, as does the understanding that real people are sharing their favorite books. Leaving notes or bookmarks, having one-of-a-kind artwork on the Library or constantly re-stocking it with different and interesting books can make all the difference.

Update: See where they are on this Google map:,-23.90625&spn=133.598357,316.054687 (since folks were asking) :)
charu thakur
so cute :)
Type Connection: A Typographic Dating Game

Sharing this simply because it's the first typography game I've found. :)

Are there others?
siprianus hormat
Hi Lizz, very please to meet you trough this line.
Now, school will no longer get in the way of my education. ;) Because I'm DONE!

Cue Alice Cooper-Schools out (forever)

I am thankful for all the good times I've had at USC, but I'm ready to move forward. Lots of adventures await!

First, though, I'll be spending the rest of the week with my mom, because it's the only chance I'll get to see her for a while. (Happy mother's day, everyone!)

And thanks so much +Tony L. for taking this photo. :) And for that awesome book you got me!
Liz Krane changed her profile photo.
Reni Tincheva
"I want people to feel about maths the way they feel about music."

That's how I want to feel about mathematics, too! Not quite there yet, though.

I just felt like watching this again. It's a beautiful short video about Nalini Joshi, one of the few female mathematicians in my circles. :) It's not really about math, but rather about her life, and what lies in the heart of a mathematician.

Also some nice #ThrowbackThursday material in here. :)
Nalini Joshi originally shared this post:
A while ago, I tweeted that "Maths is in my heart". Trixie Barretto was inspired by that to make a video of me: which is now posted on vimeo:
There's a mathematician six floors above me where I work. I'd never had much to do with her, but I'd heard she'd had an unusual childhood in Burma, and grew up to become the first female professor of mathematics at the university where we both work. One day on Twitter she wrote, "Maths is in my heart," a sentiment both alien and amusing to me, being someone who's terrible with numbers. It stayed with me though, and later that afternoon I knocked on her door and asked if she'd tell me her story. Many thanks to Nalini for her time. ---------------------------------------- the mathematician: Professor Nalini Joshi music: Window by The Album Leaf
Joyce Entwistle
Don't start at the top with math,start at the bottom with number squares and find patterns. Then you will begin to see beauty. My class of six year olds thought it was magic. Understanding number comes before algebra. Have a happy day.
A shout-out to my very brave friend Rachel! Check out her blog. :)

My classmate (and fellow graduating senior! woohoo!) started a blog not long ago (, sharing her experiences with breast cancer...

Having inherited the BRCA2 gene, she decided to have a prophylactic mastectomy to prevent breast cancer. But it obviously wasn't an easy decision, and as she shares in her blog, it's been a bumpy ride.

She's a great writer, disarmingly honest and open about the whole experience, and very inspiring! If you get a chance to read her blog, be sure to leave her a comment to show your support.

I'm so glad she's recovering in time to attend our graduation this Friday. Congrats, Rachel, and enjoy it! You deserve a huge party. :D
What would you do if you knew you were going to get cancer? »
What would you do if you knew you were going to get cancer? You don't have it, yet—but it's coming for you! Could be in twenty years; could be in ten. Could be in fifty years; could be in six ...
Dan Nemec
"Hey mom, the internet says Happy Mother's Day!" :P
Thank you!
Learning everything at Resistance is futile. Your knowledge will be assimilated!
Hiyas! So yeah, I'm about 0.04% done with my goal to learn everything there is to learn. Almost there! =P

If you're curious about just how serious I am, see the 3-minute intro video I spent probably 30 hours making (thank you, Adobe After Effects!):

I'd be doing this every day if it weren't for finishing up my college courses right now. But after graduation, all bets are off!

Some of my current interests:

~~~~~~~~~~  Computer science / Programming  ~~~~~~~~~

Web development, Android development, creating productivity tools, body computing, G+ hangouts API

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Education  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Free learning resources, social learning / education 2.0 / other buzzwords, educational video games, STEM education, all sorts of alternative education (homeschooling, unschooling), autodidacticism, polymathy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Art and Design 
Web design, photography, videography, video editing, graphic design, typography, making bad drawings

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Math and Science  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Right now I'm particularly interested in the fundamentals of math, how the brain understands it (numerical cognition), and how I should go about relearning it and actually liking it

To sum it up: let's exchange knowledge! :) I'm here to soak up as much as I can. Mmmm knooowwledge...

Also, I want to meet interesting people and make friends. I'll follow you if you share interesting things (especially things I can learn from!) or if you're a fascinating, crazy, or generally awesome person.
Bragging rights
developing an Android app (search my name on Google Play), swing dancing with Bill Nye the Science Guy (and he's one smooth dancer!)
Learning everything and sharing everything I learn at
  • University of Southern California
Places lived
Map of the places this user has lived
  • Los Angeles
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Other names
Elizabeth Leah Krane, LearningNerd, Lizards, Frizzy Lizzy
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Google Science Fair

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Mobile Web Dev on Air

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Creative 366 Project

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M Monica's 2012 Creative Writing Project

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