
All members are required to follow our guidelines.

If you are interested in becoming a member please stop by during Make:Provo (see the Calendar for current dates). You are also welcome to contact us in any way listed on the Contact Us page to request membership / walk-through / etc. Membership fees are due on the last Saturday of each month.

All members must be over 16 to join. If you are under 18 you will be asked to get a parent/guardian release, you may also be banned from using some of the more ‘dangerous’ tools.

.:/ User Access \:.
$40 / Month
- Dedicated Storage Bin (up to 6 cu. ft)
- Shared Desk (as available)
- 24/7/365 Access to the members facilities.
- tT Email Account

.:/ Root Access \:.
$75 / Month
User-Access plus the following:
- Guaranteed Personal Desk / Workspace
- Dedicated Storage Space (“back-room” storage, space for larger projects, etc)
- Server Access, Your own linux VM (coming soon)