Send Free Ecards to Your Friends and Family

Send a free online greeting card to your friends and family to show that you care about wildlife and the planet. Simply choose an occasion listed below and write your own personal message. Free ecards from WWF are easy and fun!

Send an Earth Day e-card!

Earth Day Ecards

Animal e-Hugs

eHug cards

Most Popular E-cards

Popular E-card

Birthday E-cards

Birthday E-cards

Thank You E-cards

Thank You E-cards

Occasion E-cards
Miss you, Good luck, etc.
Occasion Ecards

Species & Places E-cards
With fun facts!
Species/Places Ecards

Inspirational E-cards

Inspirational Ecards

Species Adoption

Make a symbolic species adoption by visiting the WWF Gift Center.
Pictured: snow leopard adoption


WWF's Mission

WWF is dedicated to delivering science-based solutions to preserve the diversity and abundance of life on Earth, halt the degradation of the environment and combat climate change.

How Our Funds Support Conservation

Finance Pie Chart

83 percent of WWF's spending is directed to worldwide conservation activities


WWF is the world’s leading conservation organization, working in 100 countries for nearly half a century.

BBB imageCharity Navigator

WWF meets all 20 BBB Charity Standards