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Thursday, May 17, 2012
First Unreal Engine 4 Screens

These screens from the next generation in the Unreal graphics engine look like a mashup between Skyrim and Diablo III with the firey demon lord and the snowy mountain fortress. Who am I kidding, I'd buy that game in a second.

Quantum Condundrum Trailer

So that Kim Swift chick behind Portal is making a new game in the same vein. Keep an eye out for this one and some doubtlessly more awesome puzzle adventures.

Grim Dawn: Soldier Video

Speaking of Diablo, here is a new video for one of the finest looking 'Diablo Clones' I've seen. Check out the soldier for Crate's upcoming ARPG Grim Dawn.

The AM Socket Stuffer

Sorry this update is coming a bit late this week. I'll give you one word: Diablo. Now one number: 3. Nuff Said.

Actually I was preparing to write a melodramatic whine fest ripping Blizzard for their poor launch and they folly of always online DRM. Within the first 48 hours of launch, I had run into some bad luck and was growing quite impatient with Blizzard and their messy launch. I encountered at least 4 or 5 separate outage instances and had spent more time checking the forums, trying to login, and refreshing the server status page than I had actually playing.

Fast forward to this evening and around 7 hours of play later, and I'm almost ready to give Blizzard a hug. I am enjoying the heck out of Diablo III; many of my fears I held throughout observation of the development process and the beta have been relieved. We will see how it holds up in the coming years, but so far I am loving it. I might even go so far as to say I am coming around on the art style that I so adamantly have rejected in the past. I could drum up a list of minor complaints, but in the end, this a very polished and downright fun to play game I'd recommend to anyone in a heartbeat.

How are you guys liking D3? Did the turbulence at launch ruin your opening day buzz, or are you getting bit by the Diablo bug all over again?

Check out some inferno mode Skeleton King

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Ezio's Replacement In Assassin Creed 3 Revealed, Meet Connor
Based on a true story.... ok ok, not really. This October fans will be able to jump in the shoes of Connor as he mingles with revolutionaries like George Washington, all while dealing with those pesky templars.

Trapped between two worlds, Connor dons the mantle of the Assassin in the fight for justice against the Templars. Sentinel, outsider, and champion, Connor defends the land against those who would infringe upon freedom and liberty.

Diablo III Update: The Final Countdown

As Ohm alluded to in his blah, I have been following Diablo III a little bit. But doesn't everyone have this site open in a tab at least 24/7? At the time of writing this, that countdown is in the 4 day range. That's striking distance ladies and gentlemen. We are in the home stretch, and as usual, there are plenty of tidbits to whet your appetite while we are waiting for the main course.

Kickstarter Madness - Battle Chess Wants Some Love Too
Subdued Software also wants to bring a classic series back to life - Battle Chess. The studio has actually already made significant progress on the single player side, but they need a bump of around $100k via Kickstarter pledges to finish up online multiplayer. Several wallet friendly rewards are available, including a collector's edition, and the ability to attend a launch party at Medieval Times in Buena Park, CA.

Kickstarter Madness - Now You Can Help Reincarnate Carmageddon
The fat lady has officially sung, because the team at Stainless Games have gotten a hold of the Carmageddon IP again. Now they're looking to Kickstarter to bring back a modern day carnage filled version of the classic racer. If fans can raise $400k through pledges, then Carmageddon: Reincarnation will be a reality, all without any PG rated interference from a publisher. To help inspire fans to pledge, the Stainless team has put together a number of unique rewards. This includes the opportunity to literally get one's face / likeness in the game as a pedestrian, for in-game drivers to pulverize into squishy bits.

This is honestly the first campaign that I'd so love to plop $1k down on, not just for the pedestrian tier, but the other goodies as well. Back when Carmageddon came out it was even more controversial than DooM. There weren't any other games that made a gamer more of a badass, especially considering that even the Pope wanted it banned. Twisted Metal never even came close to the level of carnage in Carmageddon, only the FPS Soldier of Fortune came close.

Check out the pitch for yourself, and if you're feeling generous send a few bucks their way. Only you can make it happen!

DCS: P-51D Mustang Available For Pre-Order, Public Beta Kicks Off
Matt Wagner sent along word that DCS: P-51D Mustang can now be pre-ordered direct from the company website, which includes immediate access to the beta. If you've ever wanted to get your butt inside a classic single-seat World War II fighter, this is about as close as you're going to get, especially for $39.99. Here's a quick feature list from the announcement:
  • Highly detailed six-degrees-of-freedom cockpit. Interact with cockpit controls with your mouse.
  • Unmatched flight physics and that allow you to truly feel what it's like to fly this legend.
  • Accurate P-51D Mustang model, squadron markings, and weapons.
  • Detailed modeling the P-51D Mustang instruments, weapon, engine, radios, fuel, electrical, and hydraulic systems.
  • Take part in a Challenge Campaign to test your flying and combat skills.
An interactive instructor will help newbies get the hang of getting the Mustang running, and then up in the air. The mission editor will allow the community to generate missions and campaigns. Players can even take the Mustang online in the very same skies as the Ka-50 Black Shark, and A-10C Warthog.

Matt Wagner sent along a few videos showing the P-51 in action. The embedded video below features some air to ground strafes. There's also a quick one vs one dogfight clip, and footage of Matt flying through gates, all on his Youtube channel.

FTL Post-Kickstarter Update Reveals Evolving Design
Justin Ma, the artistic half of the FTL development team, has put together a video clip showing some of the design changes that have already been made since the Kickstarter campaign wrapped up. Among them, a new player ship, enemy types, random encounters, and weapons.

More Max Payne 3 Multiplayer Shown In Second Overview Video
In the Multiplayer Gameplay Part 2 video embedded below Rockstar highlights the number of game modes available in Max Payne 3, and the ways that each mode evolves as players battle it out. Depending on how each round goes, objectives will change, as will the odds for or against your team. Players can even issue vendettas, and upgrade bursts which include bullet-time itself.

Blah... Big Brother Lurks
My apologies for not kicking this week off yesterday, an older brother of mine surprised everyone by coming into town today on business. It's actually been over a year and a half since I last saw him, so that got me out of the dungeon and into the sun temporarily. Back in the 80s and 90s he used to be a sim junkie, that is until football games consumed his gaming life. Since I last saw him I've been wanting introduce him to DCS: A-10C Warthog, and the new DCS: P-51D Mustang beta, but that's going to have to wait for another week or so. This week's visit is super brief, but he'll be around again next week for a few days.

You know what's crazy? By the time the next weekly update rolls out both Diablo 3 and Max Payne 3 will be out. I'd really stoked about the release of both, especially Diablo. I was so much of a fan of the Diablo series at one point that I helped GameSpy launch Planet Diablo, one of the more popular fansites. These days I can't hold a candle to Socket's obsession, he's got me beat big time. With Max Payne, I think it'll be fun to see how he's changed with age. The multiplayer addition sounds pretty interesting too.

In more interesting news, I heard from Billy "Wicked" Wilson's mom this week. She sent along a clip of Dax, jamming away on a drum set like a rock star. I'll have to get it uploaded for you guys, assuming she's cool with it. The little guy is growing up fast!

Anyways, that's all for this update folks. Stay tuned for ze news, after a little Key & Peele.