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Necro 05-27-2010
Written by Adam Tibbott   
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Happy Daze Tour
May 27th, 2010
Westfair Amphitheater
Council Bluffs, Iowa

i got to the happy daze tour around 6 and when the doors opened they had JCW wrestling with wrestlers from a local indy promotion wrestling as well. but you knew these guys had no chance at winning being an icp show. the jcw knew how to get under the fans skin taunting the crowd calling them white toothless pieces of trash. which causes the crowd to  throw beer and soda into the ring. after 4 matchs and taking down the ring.

the show started around 715 with necro. ive never heard of him and probably wont ever listen to him again.

after necro, kittie was getting ready to take the stage and between bands mike clark, which is icp's producer, dj'ed by the light and sound board. mixing all kinds of icp music and other artist on icps label.

it was time for kittie to take the stage. kittie's set list consists of 7 songs, my plague, cut throat oracle, flower, never again, P&^$$#sugar, die my darling, forgive and forget. the sound for kittie it was hear morgans vocals. but the band seemed tight. i know the bands been thru many lineups and im a fan of all there music since they came out. its hard not to hear a song that made the band famous. since there were 6 bands on tour the band were close to the stage and probably had less room to move since all the other bands stuff was behind them. id have to say out of the times i've seen them. it looks like they are having fun and smiling on stage and interacting with each other. i was really surprised the crowds reaction to the band being totally different genre of music all together from icp. i could hear people shouiting i love you morgan and kittie from the crowd.

after kittie left the stage coolio took the stage with his hit 1234 and ended with gangstas paradise. those were the only two songs i knew. all i have to say is pack it up and call it a day. age has not been good to this guy. it was kinda of sad to see someone i liked in 90s in such bad shape.  

kmk was next and they had a stripped down stage with just 5 members being there. dj bobby b,daddy x,richeter,d loc and new member the dirtball. there set list was long live kings, day dreamin sunnoize rats, king click, stomp, everybody move, rampage, bump, where da weed, where im going, full throttle, think 4 your self, kmk song, great when high put da pipe down, anybody hear me and ur done. i know a few songs by kmk but nothing new, i do know there set was cut 15 mintues short, when they started i could smell that smell all around.

then it was time for icp. never seen them and not a fan. i was told there shows were crazy, there was a big black curtain and after the intro there it was pulled back and a ringmaster in the middle and all shorts of crazy clowns came out and they came out almost every song. icp hit the stage and the place went nuts spraying diet rootbeer faygo into the crowd. and making them shoot a good 50 feet in the air, this was non stop for the 1hr 30 mins they played. also during the show they throw other stuff in to the crowd for their song chicken hunting feather, their birthday song streamers and so on to end the show they played the title track of their new cd bang pow boom and brought every band out to join in on the fun.

Review by Nathan Pickering
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