16. I Really Will Close Guantanamo

When did we become a nation of wimps?

During World War II, there were more than 400,000 Germans POWs in America.  Many were put to work in farms and factories.  Many were fanatic Nazis, who make the gross of psychopathic thugs remaining in Guantanamo look like pikers.

BOB’S PROGRAM:  Pack away the jihadists in some miserable place in the lower 48 for the duration. That means no more catch-and-release. About 25% of the ones we’ve let go have returned to fight us1.

Shocked?  Shocked that these thugs ignored Article 117 of the Third Geneva Convention:  “No repatriated person may be employed on active military service?”  Just the way they ignored “thou shall not” fly jetliners into civilian buildings and the fact that torturing and decapitating prisoners is wrong.  Let’s lock away these s#!t-heads until Al Qaeda and its ilk surrender.  Since that may be never, we can throw away the key.

And what genius came up with the idea war criminals couldn’t be tried by a military tribunal, and hung, on US soil.  Henry Wirz, the Commandant of the Confederate’s notorious Andersonville POW camp was tried and hung here in 1865.

Come on, America.  Show some backbone!

1 Summary of the Reengagement of Detainees Formerly Held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, The Director of National Intelligence Report, December 2010