• Alcatraz on Facebook Alcatraz on Facebook Join the facebook page for Alcatraz to get the latest video clips, and news on our brand new show From J.J. Abrams, the creator of Lost.
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  • Poisoners Quiz Poisoners Quiz How well you know the famous poisoners from the past and present day?
  • Grimm Quiz Grimm Quiz The world of Grimm is a weird and wonderful place, but how well do you know it?

Doctor Who quizzes

Ultimate Doctor Who quiz
Ultimate Doctor Who quiz - Find out if you're really a fan by taking the ultimate Doctor Who quiz.
Doctor Who baddies quiz
Doctor Who baddies quiz - Some are terrifying, some are seductive, and others are just a bit silly.
A First Doctor quiz
A First Doctor quiz - Try our tricky test on the original Time Lord's adventures.
A Second Doctor quiz
A Second Doctor quiz - Play our quiz on the whimsical wanderer.
A Third Doctor quiz
A Third Doctor quiz - Travel back to the good old days for our quiz on Gallifrey's answer to 007.
A Fourth Doctor quiz
A Fourth Doctor quiz - Do you remember his adventures well? Have a go if you're fan enough.
A Seventh Doctor quiz
A Seventh Doctor quiz - This Doctor was initially a quirky fellow. However, he soon matured into a rather secretive schemer.