

by Jeff

Image text: I felt so clever when I found a way to game the Fitocracy system by incorporating a set of easy but high-scoring activities into my regular schedule. Took me a bit to realize I'd been tricked into setting up a daily exercise routine.

Stick figures having sex!  Against a wall! Over a couch!  In some sort of high flying sex swing!  Fitocracy is a web site that turns workouts into a social game by awarding points, badges, levels and all sorts of other gamification.  However, according to this cartoon, Fitocracy does not consider sex to be an activity acceptable for its site, despite the high flying nature of Cueball and Megan's sexual workout.

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  1. There was an issue with a website like this one (or maybe this is the website) that your activities could be seen by anyone and some people reported that their sex time where able to be seen online so they removed it

  2. Does it bother anyone else that Randall is basically using his comic to brag about how much sex he has?

    • Yeah, ’cause I’m sure he’s swinging from the rafters on a regular basis… NOT!

      It’s probably simple hyperbole…

    • Could it be that this is just a commentary comic, and not related to any ones personal life?

      Why is it that sex doesn’t count in fitness programs? The elevated heart rate must have some cardio effect. Depending on one’s choices, there could be significant strength workout. Is it that sex is just too embarrassing to include in fitness and calorie programs? Or will the program fail due to peoples propensity to lie about their sex activities.

      The funniest part is the thing about getting tricked into a fitter life style because of trying to game the program. Could we have more programs like that to trick our overweight population into getting more fit for the challenge of tricking the program instead of for health or losing weight? And could we have sex included in the program?

    • Not at all… in fact i’m glad… everyone likes when he shares deep emotions when he talks about cancer issues!… the problem is that everyone of us would like to have that much sex but not to deal with something like cancer… don’t be jealous…

  3. If you can lie about sex, can’t you just as easily lie about other health activities and gain points in this program? It’s not like they have heart monitors on you…

    • Yah. But that would be boring. If one desperately wants to lie to oneself, using web portals for that is too much effort.

  4. Getting your startup featured in an xkcd comic = best marketing ever.

    • I wonder if Randall notifies to-be-featured startups beforehand so that they have the chance to buy a better hosting plan.

  5. I have the weirdest b*ner right now.

  6. Panel 3 is most likely a reference to comic #414, “Mistranslations”.

  7. In case someone wants to join that site, there’s an invite code “XKCD”.

  8. I don’t get it.

  9. High-SCORING activities, eh? :)

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