
Wednesday 27 June 2012


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Winks and nudges are no way to run a European policy

David Cameron in Europe. David Cameron must keep his word on EU reform

David Cameron’s game of tease over an EU referendum has left his party badly divided, writes Benedict Brogan.


Hispanics: the rising political power in the United States

Hispanic voters are a growing force in the US – are they strong enough to swing victory Obama’s way? Jon Swaine reports


What royal handshake means to Sinn Fein

Sinn Fein must go further after the royal handshake and end its boycott of the Commons, says Paul Bew

A degree in the music biz is bound to lack soul

It’s a brave man that launches a university course for an industry with no rulebook, says Bob Stanley


My best Latin lesson: seize the day and sink the wine

Rowan Pelling on wine, Kim Cattrall and the National Trust in Soho


Lords reform gives Ed a chance to make mischief

Will the Labour leader’s game plan be driven by principles or low politics, asks Mary Riddell


It’s not heartless to replace welfare with work

To end dependency, the Government should return to the basic ideals of Beveridge, says Philip Johnston


Why won't Americans play our sports?

Sports like Baseball, American football and Ice Hockey are as weird and isolated as the platypus, argues Walter Ellis.


Darling to the fore as battle to save Union gets serious

The former chancellor's unflashy style is well suited to the grave message the pro-Union camp needs to convey, writes Alan Cochrane


The NHS is paying for Labour’s dodgy deals

Telegraph View: The state faces huge costs because of flaws in PFI contracts


Duty freeze

Telegraph View: The Chancellor should be applauded for postponing the fuel duty increase


Barbarian hoard

Telegraph View: Will the euro go the way of the 50,000 Iron Age coins unearthed in Jersey?



Comment cartoon


The Tory Right is impeding the Coalition

Early idealism has vanished due to media pressure, says Peter Oborne


The scars of the Second World War still line bomber country

Neil Tweedie visits the fields of Lincolnshire to remember the sacrifices of Bomber Command


The benefits of selective eurozone default

There is a consensus in the corridors of power that if any eurozone member defaults or leaves, contagion and collapse are assured. This is a fairy tale designed to frighten voters into submission to bizarre government policies. It also ignores two historical lessons.


Could appointing Tom Winsor backfire on Theresa May?

40pc of policemen will lose money under Winsor reforms

The Home Secretary proposes to put a fiercely independent man in charge of the police watchdog, reports Donata Huggins.


Labour's PFI landmines continue to explode in the NHS

The cost of Labour's off-balance sheet investments are only now coming to light, argues Chris Skidmore.


The ‘war on women’ in Afghanistan

The West's planned withdrawal from Afghanistan is emboldening the Taliban to impose their brutal, medieval restrictions on women's freedoms, reports Emily Dyer

Why poor old George wasn’t really lonesome

The world’s most famous tortoise was a splendid example of one of biology’s strangest rules, says Karolyn Shindler.


Lynne Truss on holiday reading

Why one woman’s misery memoir is another woman’s beach book

Richard Eyre on tussles with cyclists and brushes with royalty

I recently apologised to the Queen for a youthful mistake. It's a pity the young cyclists terrorising our pavements aren't as remorseful


Varsity blues

Telegraph View: Universities should be allowed to charge according to the market


Lonesome no more

Telegraph View: Goodbye Lonesome George, cut off in your tortoisy prime of 100 or so


After the Games

Telegraph View: Upheaval in the Middle East has disturbing consequences for Britain's security


Loving Scotland doesn’t mean hating the Union

Telegraph View: The “Better Together” campaign has a gruelling task but the Union is worth it


What’s up, Doc?

Telegraph View: Bugs Bunny causes digestive problems in rabbits, Finding Nemo leads to flushed fish - children's programmes are a danger to pets.


Egypt’s hopes betrayed

Telegraph View: the liberal, secularist dream of Egypt's revolution has been betrayed by the army and Islamists.


Making a virtue out of the need to cut further

Telegraph View: the Coalition's proposed welfare cuts are both a fiscal necessity and a moral imperative.

Radical vision of a liberal state

Telegraph View: The return of the Liberal Democrat David Laws to the Cabinet would improve the chances of reforming public services and cutting state expenditure


Tighter rein will yield more

Telegraph View: A Sunday Telegraph investigation has found that 'chugging' does not always live up to the public's legitimate expectations of honesty and fairness


Boris: Olympic rings are 'wake up call'

Mayor of London Boris Johnson explains that the Olympic rings being lowered from Tower Bridge to mark one month until London 2012 will bring it home to Britons about how close the Games are.



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