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Nexus 7 vs. Kindle Fire: Google Smacks Amazon With Superior $199 Tablet

Posted: 06/27/2012 6:20 pm

Somewhere, Jeff Bezos just punched a wall with his bare fist. The Amazon CEO is angry, frustrated, bloodied -- he must be! -- because his company's Kindle Fire just got totally upstaged and outshined by Google and its inspired new Nexus 7 tablet.

Consider these two tablets: Both have 7-inch screens. Both retail for $199. Both are marketed as thin, lightweight devices for watching movies and listening to music and reading books and magazines. Same price, same basic size, same pitch to consumers: These tablets are competing against each other -- or rather, they would be competing against each other, if the battle weren't so comically lopsided.

When you delve deeper, you see that for the same price, the Nexus 7 is offering much, much more than the Kindle Fire. This is a no-contest knockout victory for the Nexus 7; it would take the Pacquiao-Bradley judges to award the fight to the Kindle Fire.

Look: The Nexus 7 has a better screen resolution (1,280x800) than the Kindle Fire (1,024x600). It's lighter (0.75 pounds vs. 0.91 pounds) and thinner (0.41 inches vs. 0.45 inches). It has a 1.3GHz quad-core CPU and 1GB RAM, blowing away the Kindle Fire's 1.0 GHz dual-core processor and 512MB RAM.

It has a front-facing camera; the Kindle Fire doesn't. It has a microphone; the Kindle Fire doesn't. It has volume buttons; the Kindle Fire doesn't. It has Bluetooth and NFC and a port for video out; the Kindle Fire doesn't. Its battery life is better than the Kindle Fire's It is deeply integrated with Gmail and Gchat and Google Reader and YouTube and a fully-stocked Google Play content store, while Amazon has deep integration with the content but not the rest of the Internet.

How is it possible that these two tablets are selling for the same price? On paper, the Nexus 7 looks like a far more expensive device than the Kindle Fire.

Now, for those who already own one, the Kindle Fire is not, all of a sudden, a bad tablet. For light reading and watching flicks on-the-go, the Fire is fine, and cheap, and intuitive. A retail price of $199 is still inexpensive for a tablet of its quality, utility and ease-of-use.

Nor is the Nexus 7 a perfect device. The lack of microSD storage will break the deal for those who wish to load tons of movies onto their tablet. Also, many dislike the Android operating system, finding it unattractive and not optimized for the fat fingers of touch. The lack of 3G/4G support and HDMI port will likely disqualify the Nexus 7 for many as well.

But in comparing the two noteworthy $199 tablets on the market right now -- the Kindle Fire and the Nexus 7 -- one cannot help but see that the Nexus 7 simply outdoes the Kindle Fire in almost every conceivable way. It's faster, lighter, thinner and it adds a webcam/microphone combination for video calling. With the addition of magazines and TV shows to the Google Play Store, Amazon no longer has an obvious content advantage.

If you're trying to decide between the Kindle Fire and the Nexus 7, in other words, your mind should already be made up. Instantly, almost every advantage of the Kindle Fire has been erased; the Nexus 7 is that much better, for the same price.

Before the Google event and the unveiling of the Nexus 7, there was a rumor on CNET that Amazon is preparing to announce a new model of the Kindle Fire for release in August. If I'm Amazon (or Barnes & Noble, for that matter), and I just saw what Google unveiled, in what was a clear attack on the Kindle Fire's viability and appeal, I'm finalizing the invitations for the unveiling of the Kindle Fire 2 right now.

It wasn't Apple and iOS being squashed by Android Jelly Bean, nor Facebook contra Google+: It was Amazon, and its suddenly unattractive Kindle Fire, that Google smacked hardest. If Jeff Bezos isn't punching walls -- well, maybe he should be.

Take a look at the gallery below to see photos of the Nexus 7 tablet.

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Somewhere, Jeff Bezos just punched a wall with his bare fist. The Amazon CEO is angry, frustrated, bloodied -- he must be! -- because his company's Kindle Fire just got totally upstaged and outshined ...
Somewhere, Jeff Bezos just punched a wall with his bare fist. The Amazon CEO is angry, frustrated, bloodied -- he must be! -- because his company's Kindle Fire just got totally upstaged and outshined ...
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20 minutes ago ( 9:34 AM)
Android tablets need to keep improving like this . I would like to see them take a more competitive share of the market.
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23 minutes ago ( 9:32 AM)
Go Google! Finally a very nice low budget tablet. Much better than what Microsoft debuted last week.
34 minutes ago ( 9:21 AM)
Google had an event?
39 minutes ago ( 9:16 AM)
I just ordered it for my grand-daughter's 17th birthday in July. Hope I get it by then, and also BIG hope that I made the right choice by ordering it and not the Kindle Fire!
12 minutes ago ( 9:43 AM)
Smart move! Kindle is not worth the money.
Phil Hill 2012
5 minutes ago ( 9:49 AM)
You did.  It's a superior tablet for the same cost.  That's not to say Amazon won't come out with something better soon but for right now, this is it.
42 minutes ago ( 9:12 AM)
I love it when companies compete with each other, because in the end, the consumer wins with cheaper prices!
44 minutes ago ( 9:10 AM)
Blah blah... Something has improved. What a concept...
Reasonable comments in an unreasonable world
59 minutes ago ( 8:55 AM)
Imitation is the purest form of flattery.
Reasonable comments in an unreasonable world
1 hour ago ( 8:53 AM)
See. Competition is good for the consumer. Thank goodness for the free market.
Reasonable comments in an unreasonable world
1 hour ago ( 8:52 AM)
Always laughing,playful and friendly ...
1 hour ago ( 8:50 AM)
Rub Rub Rub two together and BEAM me up... NOT...Another gimme your MONEY at 200.00 a pop... ...
Patient Zero
1 hour ago ( 8:36 AM)
The Kindle Fire just needs a refresh. Big deal. What's interesting is that they are both now competing like this, and consumers will be the winners when they realize this is all you need, and it's a lot cheaper in the bargain.
2 hours ago ( 8:13 AM)
This article is pretty poor. First off the author lists the fact that so many dislike the andriod operating system. Both use an andriod operating system, so I don't understand this statement and last I looked there are more android phones in use currently than iOS or windows if you are just making a general claim. I have a kindle fire and nothing on the specs on this device would make me want to run out and buy one. THe fact is if you use a tablet beyond just reading, internet search, or playing lame games neither of these tablets would make sense to buy. If that is all you use it for either of these would more than a perfect device. The fire has been out for a year already too, so it kind of makes sense that a similar device with better tech would cost the same at this point, so why would amazon be mad?
Liberal/Progressive/Socialist. Deal with it.
2 hours ago ( 8:12 AM)
I use my Kindle Fire to read books. If there is too much to do on an e-reader then I don't want it. I just want to read. I have other items I use for everything else that would blow this little toy away.
31 minutes ago ( 9:23 AM)
I have a question for you because I'm going back and forth on getting a tablet or e-reader with e-ink. How does the Kindle Fire read outside? I would think you wouldn't be able to see the screen?
Phil Hill 2012
3 minutes ago ( 9:51 AM)
If you only use your Fire for reading, you wasted your money.  Get a REAL ebook for reading and leave the tablets to games/internet/movies.
3 hours ago ( 6:54 AM)
Think this not real tech person will sit back and watch. I would much prefer to stay with the companies that have been stable for a long time. You know, the ones who care if you come back like Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
3 hours ago ( 6:27 AM)
hold on a moment!
that design is a black rectangle with rounded corners, and so is obviously a copyright infringement, you'll be hearing from my lawyers...