Exclusive Joint Interview: Facebook’s Sandberg and Yahoo’s Levinsohn Talk About Patent Peace

The smooth COO of the social networking site and the hairtastic interim leader who would be CEO are now BFFs.

Yahoo and Facebook Patent War Officially Over: The Press Release

We now can go back to our regularly scheduled fighting between Facebook and Google, Google and Apple, Apple and Amazon, Amazon and … oh, you get my point here.

Yahoo CEO Search in Final Stages, With Levinsohn and Kilar in Lead

For goodness sake, Yahoo board: Pick already!

Yahoo’s Longtime Top Lawyer Mike Callahan Departs (Internal Memo!)

The top legal eye flies away from the Silicon Valley Internet giant.

Sal Khan and John Hennessy on Online Education: The Full D10 Interview (Video)

We all have a lot to learn about online education globally.

Tech Companies Rejoice! IVP’s New Jumbo Fund Totals $1 Billion.

Silicon Valley’s Institutional Venture Partners is announcing a new fund today, worth $1 billion, that it will be putting toward later-stage technology companies.
monopoly money


The New New Web: Ask Not Who Needs It, Ask Who Wants It

The Internet has evolved from being a need-driven utility medium with only a handful of winners to a discovery-driven entertainment medium with room for multiple winners.

Accel, Breyer Capital and Polaris Join Harvard-Area’s Experiment Fund

More help in keeping innovation in Boston.
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Ford’s CTO Drives New Silicon Valley Office Opening (Video)

Can the auto giant go full-geek? And, more to the point, when do we get flying cars?

The Draper Family Will See You Now