Strip Clubs Hit With Pole Tax to Help Rape Victims

Cash-strapped Houston is looking to an unusual source to finance rape investigations: strip clubs. The city council voted Wednesday to require strip clubs to pay $5 per visitor to help analyze biological evidence from rape victims. Nathan Koppel has details on The News Hub. Photo: Getty Images.

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... the ... what about the news ... yes jetliner Simon Constable ... well a new poll that says Justin and while then it's on a strip clubs ... and to tells all about it we have Nathan compile joining us from Texas thank you very much um you're an awesome and the stands and thanks for taking time away from this the story ... is the shape of a very serious story tell tell us about it ... what he's ... like a lot of these have ... gathered evidence from the terms of ratings that ... blessed us in your articles which are then sent to laboratories to be tested ... in bid for DNA and other evidence which can only help police find perpetrators ... promise you stand on these ... don't have the money to probably has three cats ... also on the things are ... huge backlogs of untested evidence and use things the things that come over to US forces finding ... to be able to work through its backlog of ... rape cases and has its own according to your story to six thousand can put up a lot of six thousand but it seems like the massive amount for a ... medium size city like Houston ... in all of this reason others mean to be tested there are some cases were maybe there ... the person reports is ... also related to the police that that ... she's not pursue the case for ... that made many and as they beat the estimates are forty to sixty percent of this case ... we still couldn't you use all evidence ... to them to help them find perpetrators ... so ... the solution to that of that proposal ... has been passed in Houston is full ... aam this trip UPS to pay five Dolata and um the aid of ... a postman visits ... hope of some tax ... rather than take one of the pink strip clubs of all places ... that take effect ... whether he had he stayed at strip clubs and there's a correlation ... anyhow released Ellliott between good Easter clothes trading on inside the wire sperm ... you know I ... know that the combination of things these two that are in attitudes towards women and later in the courts to the Central ration ... a minister stated that it absolutely no connection and it basically when you just write it uses taxis close of business ... basically another or the syntax ... so I'm in fact someone wanting a lot as it says that the number of lawyers representing some of the risk of so there's no no correlation between people going to nice high and gentlemen's clubs and I'm right aam and DDi badges that was also a free speech issue there as well as of the that some people point to ... yes class claim that the dancing time is is a form of expression in that in that it's unfair to contest ... the Supreme Court last year rejected that argument ... there's no free speech problem with imposing his contacts ...